Constitutional Accountability Center Files Amicus in Cawthorn Qualifications Case in Fourth Circuit

The Constitutional Accountability Center has filed this amicus in the 4th circuit in Cawthorn v Circosta. It argues that the 1872 Amnesty Act was never intended to be prospective, but only retroactive. Thus the Center argues the U.S. District Court decision, stopping the North Carolina challenge to Congressman Madison Cawthorn, was erroneous.

UPDATE: here is a press release from the Constitutional Accountability Center.


Constitutional Accountability Center Files Amicus in Cawthorn Qualifications Case in Fourth Circuit — 24 Comments

  1. Agreed. All we should be legally debating is whether Cawthorn gave “aid and comfort” to an insurrection that the likes of Dale like to lie about.

  2. I do disagree on one thing of the CAC’s amicus, if I’m reading pages 10-11 correctly. If it’s implying that a Congress today cannot remove disabilities incurred since 1898, with a new amnesty act, I think that’s wrong.

  3. You are the one lying. There was no insurrection. Given “aid and comfort” to a few dozen people, including feds and leftist infiltrators, commiting minor vandalism, and a few hundred tourists not signing the visitor book? This is what you compare to a war that tore the country apart and killed hundreds of thousands of people, which would be millions compared to today’s population?

  4. The garbage comments on March 14, 2022 at 2:10 pm and 2:14 pm are from Robert K Stock.

  5. Alden –

    really important that more than me do some legal research – in ye olde Cong Globe in 1859-1872 before Cong Record showed up.

    Try to get the url to judges in Cawthorne and other cases involving 14-3.

    BUT – again who decides a 14-3 violation —
    legis / exec / judic / private media / etc. ???

  6. It was not me. I NEVER use a pseudonym. I only comment under my real name.

  7. They smashed their way in, fought through security, brought zip ties with the stated intention of “arresting” Congressmen, erected a gallows outside, and there was an organized effort to bring a stash of weapons into DC and store them nearby, just in case things did not go as they wished. All with the intention of overturning election results.

    That’s an insurrection. It failed, but it was an attempted insurrection nonetheless. And Cawthorn gave them aid and comfort. It is a fact that he, and other Congressmen, were involved in the planning of the event. The only question is how much did he know.

    Cawthorn should just be thankful that the Democrats are so spineless. Otherwise he and the others would already be expelled from Congress.

  8. Capitol police opened the doors for them and federal agents and leftist infiltrators led the push to lure people inside. The zip ties and alleged cache of weapons were never used. The gallows were legal symbolic speech. No congressman was ever arrested. The idea that any would be was probably just overheated rhetoric. Things in fact did not go as they allegedly planned, so why were the alleged cache weapons never deployed?

    As for overturned election results, that’s what congress did when they voted to certify a stolen election. That was the real insurrection, not a tiny fraction of a legal and peaceful demonstration that got overheated and broke trespassing and vandalism laws.

    What you are ignoring is that the much larger demonstration against the stolen election Cawthorn gave “aid and comfort” to was legal and peaceful, even including symbolic speech you don’t like such as gallows and confederate flags. It’s not Cawthorn’s fault that a few hundred people trespassed and a few dozen committed vandalism.

    Compare that to the burn loot murder demonstrations, especially that summer. There were much larger numbers of people who did a lot more property damage and actually killed people. It may very well have actually had a lot to do with sending the usual inner city election fraud machines into overdrive. Combine that with bending all sorts of normal election rules due to a much overhyped plandemic and you have the real insurrection, one that actually overturned a presidential election in collusion with a foreign enemy, Communist China. If it’s an insurrection to erect a mock gallows, is it an insurrection to chant no “justice” no peace?

    So should we go through the congressional rolls and those seeking to be elected and see who gave aid and comfort to BLM (burn loot murder)? Should we see who gave aid and comfort to changing election rules due to a manufactured “health crisis”? Maybe bar all of them from holding or seeking office? Maybe see who gave the Biden family aid and comfort in corruptly being bribed by the Chinese Communists? Think about that as you thank those same traitors for the prices you’re paying for gas, groceries, housing and cars etc. Or maybe as nuclear war begins because they insanely provoked Russia over Ukraine.

  9. The garbage comment on March 14, 2022 at 9:09 pm and 11:20 pm are from Robert K Stock.

  10. Eddie: It was not me. I NEVER use a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name.

  11. “Real Truth on March 14, 2022 at 9:09 pm said:

    The garbage comment at 6:30 pm is from Paul Frankle.”

    az is Paul Frankle? I thought az was Thomas Jones/demo rep? Are they all the same person?

  12. More and more confusion in troll moron so-called brains the better.

    Will USA troll morons join the killer putin forces attacking Ukraine [ie Western Civilization] ???

  13. I’m not a troll. I’m just trying to follow along and understand what’s going on here. Are you Jones/DemoRepo or are you Frankle or all of the above?

  14. Once again Thomas Jones is obsessed with Putin. Still upset his love letter was rejected.

  15. Due to the state of WAR due to the killer/enslaver putin, time for often change of codes and code names —

    see WW II Resistance in France, Yugoslavia, etc.

  16. L-

    ALL the political prisoners in russia and ALL the captured/surrounded folks in ukraine.

    West- esp Ukraine, now paying the price for NOT defeating lenin gang killers/enslavers in 1917-XXXX
    — esp NOT getting all Allied/Central powers weapons and ammo to anti-commies in olde Russia
    — esp via Black Sea – ie via Ukraine in 1918-XXXX.

    Millions in Ukraine killed by stalin killers/enslavers in early 1930s.

    When will AVR [Allied Victory in Russia] Day happen ???

  17. What are you babbling about? How many “political prisoners” do you think there are in Russia? Who is captured or surrounded in Ukraine? Hundreds of thousands of people are leaving every day. The only people trapped are men 18 to 60 and that’s by order of the fascist gangsters posing as the government of Ukraine since they staged a coup in 2014. If people really wanted to fight for those Nazi criminal scum, would they have to order them to stay behind while their families leave? It’s not Putin or Russia keeping them from leaving.

    There won’t be any allied victory in Russia, you psycho. If your idiotic allies invade Russia or interfere in its liberation of Ukraine from corrupt Nazi terrorists, it’s nuclear Armageddon. You probably want that, you sociopathic sicko, but some of us want to see our kids grow up.

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