Orange County Register Carries Op-Ed Advocating an End to the California Top-Two System

John Seiler has this op-ed in the Orange County Register, advocating an end to the California top-two system. Thanks to Eric Wong for the link.

The op-ed was also published in the Los Angeles Daily News.


Orange County Register Carries Op-Ed Advocating an End to the California Top-Two System — 3 Comments

  1. What sayeth the EVIL morons who brainwashed the public into voting for the CA top 2 EXTREMIST primary ???

    Top 2 primary results in genl elections — many voters now do NOT vote for ANY D or R monster [[[ NOOO lesser of 2 evils. ]]]

    Result – with minority rule gerrymanders –
    BELOW 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4 [25 pct] minority rule quite possible.
    NOOOO primaries.

  2. Top Two Tyranny should have ended a long time ago. It never should have passed in the first place.

  3. I am glad to see that some Californians have realized that the Top-two system is detrimental to voter choice and election diversity.

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