Alaska Ballot Access Bill Advances

On March 18, the Alaska bill that eases the definition of a qualified party passed the Senate Judiciary Committee. Existing law requires a party to have registration equal to 3% of the last vote cast, which is now 10,821. The bill changes this to exactly 5,000 registered members. The bill also says that after each census (starting with 2030) the number of registered voters will be increased by the percentage at which the state grew since the last census, rounded to the nearest 500. So if the bill becomes law, perhaps starting in 2030 the requirement would increase to 5,500 or 6,000.


Alaska Ballot Access Bill Advances — 1 Comment

  1. There is absolutely no reason to use a different system for president than is used for all other partisan elections in Alaska.

    If three electors from the UCES’ Clowns want to support a presidential candidate, and the presidential candidate gives their consent then put them on the ballot after they pay the filing fee.

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