U.S. District Court Orders Another Round of Briefs in Case on Whether Virginia Must Elect Delegates This Year

On March 21, U.S. District Court Judge David J. Novak, a Trump appointee, held a status conference in Goldman v Northam, e.d., 3:21cv-420. This is the case on whether Virginia must hold elections this year for lower house of the state legislature. The last election for that office was in November 2021, and the state used districts based on the 2010 census. The plaintiff argues that it violates one-person, one-vote to allow members of the lower house to remain in office til January 2024, when they were elected in districts based on the 2010 census.

The judge ordered another round of briefs, to be confined to whether the plaintiff, a voter, has standing. All new briefs will be filed by April 21. This news story says that the judge orally scolded the state for having caused the case (which was filed last year) to move so slowly.


U.S. District Court Orders Another Round of Briefs in Case on Whether Virginia Must Elect Delegates This Year — 2 Comments

  1. ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymanders in VA since 1618 —

    plantation districts along the James River.

    ONE result – black slaves into VA in 1619.

    How many new gerrymanders since in VA ???

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