Sarah Palin and Fifty Other Candidates File for June 11 Alaska Primary for U.S. House

Filing has closed for the Alaska special primary for the unexpired U.S. House seat. Sarah Palin and fifty other candidates filed. Here is the list, which includes 23 independents, 17 Republicans, six Democrats, three Libertarians, one member of the Alaskan Independence Party, and one member of the American Independent Party.


Sarah Palin and Fifty Other Candidates File for June 11 Alaska Primary for U.S. House — 50 Comments

  1. The joke will be on the other 50 candidates when Governor Palin wins. Also, an AIP candidate? Wouldn’t that make him the first AIP candidate in close to fifty years?

  2. Instead of listing 51 candidates names on the Top 4 Primary ballot why not four blank spaces numbered 1 to 4?

  3. Michael, I’m not sure which party you mean when you say “AIP” because there are two parties with those initials in the race.

  4. Most crowded special primary ballot EVER ???

    Can the AK gerrymander oligarchs change the top primary system AND ballot access language ???

  5. The American Independent candidate is a California resident. So Alaska has done more to acknowledge a party that isn’t recognized in their state than California does to acknowledge unrecognized parties.

    The filings of several candidates (Ornelas/Myers/Thistle) inspired the Anchorage Daily News to write that non-Alaska residents can file for this race and that at least one candidate (Myers) is registered to vote in Alaska while filing with a Montana address due to Alaska law.

  6. @az,

    Have you forgotten the 1961 special election to fill LBJ’s senate seat.

  7. Nick Begich (III) is the grandson of Nick Begich, who was Don Young’s predecessor.

  8. Thomas Jones is a fucking retard. How can you gerrymander a state with only one congressional seat?

  9. TO retard moron –

    AK gerrymander oligarchs — plural

    in the AK gerrymander state legislature.

  10. JR –
    yes total forget 1961 TX —

    how many primary / genl candidates ???

    LBJ’s stooge pick win ???


    getting above average attention due to commie vs fascists closeness in USA H Reps and USA Senate.

    IE Winner may run for such USA Senate.
    PR in ALL legis bodies

    TOTAL VOTES / TOTAL Members = RATIO – EQUAL votes to each each legislator.

    AK would be a part of a larger USA reps dist

    Uniform definition of elector-voter in ALL USA elections —

    USA citizen, 18 yrs olde on election days, be registered by 28 days before USA election days.

  12. JR and az—-there were 76 candidates in that election. 1 GOP and 75 Dems. The GOP was John Tower.The Dems divided the vote and Tower won an 11 K vote victory in the runoff. Probably all the Demo went around campaigning saying, “No. I’m LBS’s stooge!!” Richard–Another website says it’s the Alaska Ind. Party

  13. @BH,

    Alaska has what are termed political groups, which a voter may register with.

    Currently there are 3 qualified political parties, Republican, Democratic, and Alaskan Independence.

    Political groups are: Constitution, Libertarian, Alliance, FreedomReform, Green, Moderate, OWL, Patriot’s, Progressive, UCES’ Clowns, and Veterans. These names appear on the registration forms and are counted in election statistics.

    The Top 4 law says specifically that a candidate may file based on their registration. They apparently overlooked the fact that a federal candidate need only be resident on election day. The candidate form only required a voters current registration.

    It should be noted that California registration forms permit write-ins. Tom Campbell could have filed in the Alaska election as a Common Sense candidate.

  14. “Undeclared” is a voter who left the space blank, on the voter registration card, concerning party membership. “Nonpartisan” is a voter who checked the “nonpartisan” box on the voter registration form.

  15. @DFR,

    Alaska permits write-in votes for candidates in the general election so long as the candidate files a letter of intent. The statute requires the ballot to be designed so as to permit a voter to rank as many candidates as the voter wishes. A voter might wish to rank all candidates. There would be no reason to limit a voter to four choices as you are advocating.

  16. Looking at the Alaska voter registration forms and here’s how they define Undeclared and Nonpartisan

    “Nonpartisan (not affiliated with a political party or group)”
    “Undeclared (do not wish to declare a political affiliation)”

    yes, those two definitions are similar

    I guess that if you don’t fill out box 13 (political affiliation) on the form, you become undeclared automatically. But they list both Nonpartisan and Undeclared when they list all the recognized parties and political groups in Alaska. Someone could just write “Undeclared” on their form if they want to make sure they don’t declare an affiliation.

  17. Santa Claus. How can you run this story and not mention that Santa Claus, a member of the city council in North Pole Alaska, is running?

  18. If Michael Skaggs is really Glenn Rice will you sign my 2000 Lakers Championship poster? I already have Travis Knight and Devon George. Be cool to have you. What address should I send it to?

  19. Move on to which General? General Milley? General Vindman? Rachel Levine? Please be more specific.

  20. How many AK voters get their ballots by dog sleds, raptors, drones, etc. —
    not the AK frozen PO snail ???

    An gambling on the AK primary top 4 — as in NCAA BB final 4 ???

  21. @LimberStoner: THAT Lisa Ann? (Not that I personally know who she is; I’m just asking for a friend.)

  22. The garbage comments on April 2, 2022 at 11:22 am and 2:57 pm are from Robert K Stock.

  23. is a great place to see state parties, statwide and US Congressional candidates.

  24. Yeah. Pornographic performer Lisa Ann, star of the 2008 blockbuster “Who’s Naylin’ Paylin’?” She’s about to turn 50 years old.

  25. I am not SocraticGadfly. I am not Limber Stoner. I did not make those comments. I NEVER use a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name.

  26. @The truth … why do you continually tell lies? You made the same claim on the next post, and I said there, Winger himself has already said you’re full of it.

    Maybe you’re Robert Milnes? (ducks)

  27. @Limber … that one didn’t make my director’s cut. Dang.

    That said, since she and First Dude Todd were supposedly both nailin others pre-divorce, whatever happened to him, anyway?

  28. @MS,

    71 candidates. 49 D, 20 I, 2 R. There were 5 main Ds.

    William Blakeley had been appointed as interim senator (twice). He was a businessman who never was elected to office. A Tory Democrat he failed to get to get the support of the liberal wing of the party in the runoff. 18%

    Jim Wright, who had just been elected to his 4th term in the House. Wright would go on to serve 14 more terms, including House Majority Leader and Speaker. 16%

    Will Wilson, Attorney General. Noted for closing down the gambling operations in Galveston. Later served in the Nixon DOJ. 12%.

    Maury Maverick, Jr. son of a congressman, and left wing activist. 9%.

    Henry B. Gonzalez, who had just been elected to his first term in the House. He would go on to serve 19 terms in the House. 9%. Supposedly Maverick and Gonzalez did not speak for 20 years based on splitting the liberal vote and keeping either out of the runoff.

    John Tower had the endorsement of Coke Stevenson in the 1960 senate election, and the 1961 special.

    The ADN reporting the candidates for the special election, had headlines announcing that 27 candidates had filed, then 35 candidates, etc. This reminded me of the 1961 special in which filing occurred over several weeksd.

    At first the newspapers would give a short bio of a candidate. But then there might be a subhead of “39, 40” followed by the name and home town of two more candidates. Filing in 1961 only required $50.

  29. The garbage comments on April 2, 2022 at 9:34 pm and 9:36 pm are from Robert K Stock.

  30. JR Meyers has filed as a candidate for this race as a Libertarian Party candidate. JR is back in the Libertarian Party, after a long absence where he was in the Constitution Party, and then was a big part of an effort to launch the Life & Liberty Party. The Life & Liberty Party decided to become a caucus with in the Libertarian Party.

  31. “the truth” I did not make those comments. I am not SocraticGadfly. I NEVER use a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name.

  32. Palin will be a great addition to the House with Trump as Speaker. It will be the greatest Congress ever.

  33. Trump for Speaker…Palin will be a valuable member of the team. Biden and Harris will get impeached and removed.

  34. I also wanted Trump to be elected as Speaker but unfortunately he recently announced he is not interested in becoming Speaker. Maybe he’ll change his mind in the next few months. If not I guess the only way to return him to his rightful place in the White House is through the 2024 election. If that election is stolen however other options may need to be explored.

  35. Two indpendents and one Republican have withdrawn.

    That brings the field to 48 – one less than the 49 starters for this year’s Iditarod.

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