Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Files Federal Lawsuit to Stop Election Officials from Determining if She Meets Qualifications

On April 1, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene filed a federal lawsuit to stop the challenge process that is pending against her. Greene v Raffensperger, n.d. of Georgia, 1:22cv-1294. Georgia election law says any voter may challenge the qualifications of a candidate, and a voter has challenged Greene on the basis of the “insurrection” language of the Fourteenth Amendment, section three. Here is the Complaint. The case is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Amy Totenberg, an Obama appointee.

This lawsuit is similar to the lawsuit filed by Congressman Madison Cawthorn, who was also challenged by some North Carolina voters. That case is pending in the Fourth Circuit. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the news about the Greene lawsuit.


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Files Federal Lawsuit to Stop Election Officials from Determining if She Meets Qualifications — 22 Comments

  1. This is an idiotic challenge. This country’s founding document, the Declaration of Independence, says that if the government has engaged in a long train of abuses of the liberty of we the people, that we the people have a right, and duty, to alter or abolish it.

  2. USA Const —

    due to rotted Brit kings and king appointed hack judges —

    1-5-1 Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members ******

    One of many FATAL violations of Separation of Powers.

  3. @Andy The Declaration says nothing about the organization and running of a government. The Constitution does. #fify
    @Andy The Book of Proverbs says “the guilty flee even when nobody pursues.” Why is MTG running so hard?
    @Andy “We the people,” per the suit, or at least one person, actually is challenging alleged abuses of a member of government. Why don’t you support that?
    @Andy Why does MTG financially support and invest in people she thinks groom sexual predators?

  4. I did not make that comment. I am not SocraticGadfly. I NEVER use a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name.

  5. It is not my comment. I am not SocraticGadfly. I NEVER use a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name.

  6. No it is not. The comment is from me and no one else. I am not SocraticGadfly.

  7. “Reality” I am not SocraticGadfly. The comment is from me and no one else. I have NEVER used a pseudonym. The only garbage is your God Damned lie that I use false names.

  8. “the facts” The comment is my own and no one else. I am not SocraticGadfly. The only garbage is your God Damned lie that I comment under false names.

  9. The triggered garbage comment on April 4 at 3:12 pm is from sarcastic fruitfly.

  10. The triggered garbage comment on April 4 at 3:52 pm is from sarcastic fruitfly.

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