Three Candidates in Alaska Special U.S. House Primary Withdraw

Three candidates have withdrawn from the June 2022 Alaska primary for U.S. House, special election. Therefore, there are now 48 candidates on the ballot instead of 51: 21 independents, 16 Republicans, 6 Democrats, 3 Libertarians, and one each from the Alaskan Independence Party and the American Independent Party. UPDATE: Ted S. Heintz, who had filed as a Libertarian, and who is a registered Libertarian, has exercised his option to be listed as “nonpartisan” on the ballot. Therefore, from the viewpoint of what the ballot shows, there are now 22 independents and two Libertarians in the race.


Three Candidates in Alaska Special U.S. House Primary Withdraw — 18 Comments

  1. If the American independent party is not on the ballot in alaska. How can they run a candidate?

  2. John, any candidate can have his or her party or registration printed on the Alaska ballot. This is one area where the Alaska top-four system is better than the California top-two system. California only permits labels that are the names of qualified parties.

    Anyone in Alaska can register into any party he or she wishes.

  3. You fucking retard, Alaska is not one large sheet of ice. Get out of your basement once in a while and see places.

  4. According to the Alaska elections website, which I have linked in my name, there are only 2 Libertarians. Did one switch their affiliation to nonpartisan (currently I count 24 nonpartisan/undeclared)?

  5. @John,

    The Alaska statute permits a candidate to have the name of the political party or political group with which they are registered appear on the ballot. In Alaska a political groups only needs to fill out some paper work. Some are well known such as Libertarian, Green, or Constitution. Others are OWL and USES Clowns.

    When they passed the law they may have overlooked the fact that candidates registered to vote in other states may run for federal office. To be elected they only needs to be resident on election day.

    The American Independent is registered in California. When they filled out they candidate application they apparently answered truthfully. It would not surprise me if someone challenged the candidate.

  6. @John,

    California does limit what party you may declare on your voter registration. A party affiliation of Democratic or Mugwump are indistinguishable as a matter. We can not know if there will be enough Democrats to hold a presidential primary in 2024. We also don’t know if their will be enough Mugwumps to hold a primary.

    There should be no limitation on what a California candidate expresses on the ballot. If someone registered as a Mugwump we can simply check their affidavit of voter registration. If DA or AG believes they falsely claimed to be a Mugwump they could prosecute for perjury.

  7. The permafrost is only north of the circle. Anchorage has half the population and is hardly permafrost. Maybe you should actually leave the house for once.

  8. Tommy Jones rips on Alaska, yet his state of Michigan has a whole peninsula with roughly the population of Anchorage. What a hypocrite.

  9. Try superimposing your permafrost map on a population density map.

  10. How do the AK voters in LOW LOW LOW pop density permafrost areas get ballots ???

    dog sleds ??? email ??? eagles ??? rockets ???

  11. Generally, people in the Bush rely on small planes for all their deliveries and sleds for short distance travel. Even most Bush areas are not permafrost though.

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