New Hampshire Supreme Court Will Handle U.S. House Redistricting

On April 11, the New Hampshire Supreme Court said that it would assume responsibility for redistricting the state’s U.S. House seats. See this court order. The court took this action because the Governor has said he will veto the plan passed by the legislature (although he hasn’t done so yet), and time is running out. Thanks to ElectionLawBlog for the link.


New Hampshire Supreme Court Will Handle U.S. House Redistricting — 4 Comments

  1. ALL 50 state legis =

    ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander oligarchies.

    Result – execs/judics taking over.
    nonpartisan AppV

  2. New Hampshire only has 2 US House seats. No reason that they cannot be elected at large. New Hampshire’s own state legislature has multi member districts, so it wouldn’t be a novelty there.

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