Amicus Curiae Brief Filed in U.S. Supreme Court on the Side of Alabama Libertarian Party, in Voter Registration List Case

On April 15, an amicus curiae brief was filed in Alabama Libertarian Party v Merrill, 21-1288, in the U.S. Supreme Court. This is the case over the Alabama law that provides that the list of registered voters should be given free to the qualified parties, but unqualified parties that are petitioning must pay $37,000.

Here is the amicus, which was filed by the Coalition for Free & Open Elections (COFOE) and Citizens in Charge. The brief discusses the Copenhagen Meeting Document, which was created in 1990 and which the United States signed. We, and the other nations who signed, promised to “respect the right of individuals and groups to establish, in full freedom, their own political parties or other political organizations and provide such political parties and organizations with the necessary legal guarantees to enable them to compete with each other on a basis of equal treatment before the law.”


Amicus Curiae Brief Filed in U.S. Supreme Court on the Side of Alabama Libertarian Party, in Voter Registration List Case — 1 Comment

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