Democratic Parties of Michigan and New Jersey Hope to Have Earliest Presidential Primaries in 2024

This National Public Radio story discusses the recent decision of the Democratic National Committee to revise the 2024 presidential primary timetable. It focuses on the desire of the Michigan and New Jersey Democratic Parties to have the earliest 2024 presidential primaries.

However, the story does not mention the problem, for Michigan, that the legislature has a majority of Republicans in both houses. The date of the Michigan presidential primary can’t be changed without state legislative action.

Democrats in New Jersey do control both houses of the legislature, so it is possible for Democrats to move that state’s primary.


Democratic Parties of Michigan and New Jersey Hope to Have Earliest Presidential Primaries in 2024 — 1 Comment

  1. Hacks in parties can have 1 Amdt meetings whenever —
    even the day after election days.
    NOOO public rotted extremist primaries.


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