Samoa Citizenship Case Reaches U.S. Supreme Court

On April 27, some voters born in America Samoa asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear their citizenship case. The question is whether persons born in the territory should be considered citizens automatically, or whether they need to go through the naturalization process. Fitisemanu v U.S., 21-1394. American Samoa is the only U.S. possession in which persons born there are not citizens; instead they are U.S. “nationals.” Here is the cert petition. Thanks to ElectionLawNews for this news.


Samoa Citizenship Case Reaches U.S. Supreme Court — 6 Comments

  1. Allegiance to regime via father’s status the second a kid is born = Natural-born ***Citizen*** of regime.

    Place of birth means ZERO — possible birth in foreign regime, on high seas in foreign flag ship, etc.

    Areas may have both USA Citizen residents and legal *foreign* residents.

    In added USA areas after 1783 — the new adult folks generally were given an option to become USA citizens or remain *foreign* — 1803 LA Purchase, 1819 Florida, 1846 Texas, 1848 USA- Mexico Peace Treaty, etc.

    IE – many alleged USA Citizens may have NO legal proof that they are legal USA Citizens.

    Brain dead courts and media since 1789 / 1868 14-1 amdt /1896.

    MAJOR problem — Birth certificates generally do NOT show alleged father’s nation-state status.

    Surviving American Indians *naturalized* in 1924 and 1940 USA laws.

  2. The case for US citizenship for American Samoans is complicated by the fact that many political leaders in that place don’t want US citizenship, nor do they want the precedents of the Insular Cases overturned. This is due to the fact that they don’t want US constitutional principles applied to the local tribal arrangement by which the territorial Senate is chosen.

  3. USA Const goes along with USA flag / occupation / takeover.

    IF hostile occupation [ as in some ex-Spanish areas in 1898 Spanish-American War ], then possible USA military martial law until peace occurs with USA civilian courts and USA Bill of Rights.

    Thus Samoa –
    1. natural born / naturalized USA Citizens — ALLEGIANCE stuff.
    2. Insular Cases over-ruled.

  4. Jus soli originates from English Common Law, and can be traced back to Roman Law.

    Jus soli is the rule in North and South America, with the only exceptions being Cuba and Colombia.

    Opposition to jus soli is opposition to progress and enlightenment, and worship of the backward old feudal systems of Europe and Asia.

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