New California Registration Data

On April 29, the California Secretary of State released a new registration tally. See the full report here.

The tally is as of April 8. The previous tally had been as of March 11. Between the two tallies, every qualified party gained slightly in percentages terms. The only category that declined was independent voters. However, the changes between the two tallies are miniscule.

The new percentages are: Democratic 46.75%; Republican 23.923%; American Independent 3.39%; Libertarian 1.02%; Peace & Freedom .530%; Green .418%; independent, other and unknown 23.97%.

The March 2022 percentages were: Democratic 46.74%; Republican 23.920%; American Independent 3.37%; Libertarian 1.01%; Peace & Freedom .526%; Green .416%; independent, other and unknown 24.02%.

The unqualified parties that are seeking to qualify (Common Sense, Peoples, and Constitution) did not file paperwork in time to be included in the new report, but they are free to do so at any time and they will probably do that soon. The registrations they already had will continue to count.


New California Registration Data — 10 Comments

  1. Elephants going extinct in commie CA – even faster than in MA, NY, on east coast ???

  2. Registration stats also used to rig gerrymander districts — along with actual votes ???

  3. The longer term may have reached its high water mark. Even a lot of former Democrats (and those still registered that way) are getting sick of the far left craziness, letting the streets get overrun with criminals and vagrants, and so many illegals drawing welfare, committing crimes and spreading diseases that the working people of the state are having enough. It’s just got out of hand. Many black and US citizen hispanics who were formerly Democrats, and the remaining blue collar whites, are starting to abandon them in droves because at some point too much is just too much. Nobody wants to pay these crazy gas prices, or home prices, or car prices, or really crazy prices in general or see empty store shelves. Or for that matter see their kids go off in a war in Europe after 20 years of pointless war in the Middle East and Central Asia just ended with those countries no better off than before and terrorism no less of a problem than it was when we went in.

  4. What percent of 18-70 adults in CA are NOT getting govt cash ???

    Only illegal invaders – working at slave wages off the books ???

    Out of state producers for stuff into CA demanding cash up front — NO credit ???

  5. Illegal invaders get tons of govt cash. There’s also all the new gender bender craziness. People who use to think of themselves as Democrats because they saw it as the party of working people versus Republicans being the party of greedy billionaires and megacorporations are starting to wake up now. Also people who saw Democrats as the party of peace are being disabused of that notion as well. Also those who once saw them as the party of free speech. That is clearly no longer true either as they have become the party of political correctness, endless war, selling out our country, globalist elites, welfare leeches, child sex groomers, criminal illegals, woke censorship and tech and pharma billionaires.

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