New York State Senator Introduces Bill to Allow Persons Charged with a Crime to Withdraw

On April 29, New York State Senator Liz Krueger introduced SB 8949, to allow candidates charged with a crime to withdraw from primary ballots. This is the same idea already introduced in the Assembly as AB 10135. Here is the text. Thanks to Joe Burns for this news.


New York State Senator Introduces Bill to Allow Persons Charged with a Crime to Withdraw — 4 Comments

  1. What State has the largest pct of charged / convicted party hacks ???

    NY, IL, GA, etc ???

    ANY UN-charged / UN-convicted stats esp re election law crimes ???

  2. How about threats if bribes do not work ???

    Offer B can not refuse ??

    see Godfather movie series 1970s — too many DBs to count in NY, NV, etc.

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