Likely U.S. Supreme Court Vote to Allow States to Ban Abortion Will Probably Result in Initiative Battles

The U.S. Supreme Court is very likely to allow states to almost completely ban abortion. This Vox article has a map showing the 22 states that have abortion bans on their statute books. Eleven of these states have the statewide initiative process. Opponents of government control of abortion will probably use the initiative process. The eleven states with abortion bans, and with the initiative, are Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Michigan, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.


Likely U.S. Supreme Court Vote to Allow States to Ban Abortion Will Probably Result in Initiative Battles — 10 Comments

  1. Probably one of the commie judges. They think it will help the commies win in November.

  2. Communist Ed Markey says the Supreme Court is illegitimate, yet anyone questioning the 2020 election should be in prison. What a hypocrite. Richard Winger is in this camp too.

  3. It will also result in initiatives in states which currently do not ban abortions.

  4. Montana, Alaska, Nebraska and Florida look a lot more likely to ban abortion through initiative than Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Michigan, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah or Wyoming do to bring it back that way. That’s not even counting states like Massachusetts, Illinois, California, Oregon, Washington or Nevada. That last one might be interesting. It would also be interesting to see what Maine does.

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