Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Asks Eleventh Circuit to Reverse U.S. District Court on Qualifications

Even though Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has already gone through the Georgia administrative procedure to determine if she is qualified to run for re-election, she is appealing the U.S. District Court order that forced her to go through that process. The result of the process was that she was found qualified.

The Fourth Circuit case is 22-11299. Her opening brief is due later in May. The oral argument will probably be in early August.


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Asks Eleventh Circuit to Reverse U.S. District Court on Qualifications — 6 Comments

  1. If she’s already done the procedure and was deemed qualified, how can she claim she’s being injured?

  2. Because the challenge should have been dismissed outright. Holding a trial and wasting the Congresswoman and everyone else’s time was an abomination and an egregious assault on our democracy.

  3. Of course! Thank God they will both be in Congress, and in House majority leadership next term.

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