South Carolina Bill Banning Fusion Passes on Last Day of Session

On May 12, the South Carolina legislature passed SB 108, which bans fusion. “Fusion” means the ability of two parties to nominate the same candidate. BAN had earlier thought this idea had failed. But the ban on fusion had been transferred out of HB 4919 (a bill that did not pass) and into another bill, SB 108.

Assuming the Governor signs it, that will leave only two states with disaggregated fusion, New York and Connecticut. “Disaggregated fusion” means the candidate is listed twice on the ballot, once under each party label. That gives the voters the ability to decide which party label they prefer.


South Carolina Bill Banning Fusion Passes on Last Day of Session — 4 Comments

  1. Is there any record of the debate? I assume the rationale had to do with “Voter Confusion”, right?

  2. I don’t know. For years and years, bill have been introduced in South Carolina to get rid of fusion, and sometimes one house or the other would pass it.

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