Ohio Supreme Court Rejects Legislative District Boundaries Again

On May 25, the Ohio Supreme Court rejected the redistricting plan for the state legislature for the fifth time. Here is the opinion in League of Women Voters of Ohoi v Ohio Redistricting Commission, 2022-Oh-1727. Thanks to ElectionLawBlog for this news.


Ohio Supreme Court Rejects Legislative District Boundaries Again — 4 Comments

  1. PR now — to save Western Civilization from the gerrymander plurality MONARCHS/OLIGARCHS TYRANTS –


  2. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ohio-supreme-court-rejects-legislative-193238487.html

    Cincinnati.com | The Enquirer
    Ohio Supreme Court rejects legislative maps for 5th time, but feds might use them anyway

    Jessie Balmert, Anna Staver and Laura A. Bischoff, Cincinnati Enquirer
    Wed, May 25, 2022, 6:05 PM

    The Ohio Supreme Court once again rejected state House and Senate maps that favor Republicans, but a federal court is poised to impose them anyway.
    gerrymander districts = political concentration camps —

    tools of the statist monarch / oligarch tyrants.
    PR NOW

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