Article Says Enough Democrats Participated in Republican Primaries in 2022 in Georgia and North Carolina to Influence Outcome

This article presents data to show that enough persons who had voted in Georgia in Democratic primaries in 2020 voted in the 2022 Republican primary, and caused Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to win his primary outright.

It also shows that enough Democrats in North Carolina changed their registration to “Republican” so as to vote in this year’s Republican primary and cause the defeat of Congressman Madison Cawthorn.

Georgia has open primaries, in which there is no registration by party, and any voter is free to choose any party’s primary ballot.

North Carolina has partisan registration. Independents can vote in any party’s primary they wish, but party members can only vote in their own party’s primary. Therefore, party-switchers must re-register in advance of any primary.


Article Says Enough Democrats Participated in Republican Primaries in 2022 in Georgia and North Carolina to Influence Outcome — 24 Comments

  1. States that practice open primaries AND no party registration are beyond idiotic.

  2. Yet another reason why Demonrats need to be rooted out, hunted, and eliminated like the malignant cancerous pestilence and plague that they actually really are.

  3. I agree Ryan. That’s some dirty tactics to do. I blame the voters on this one. Those two states need to close the primaries to just party people/voters. That crossover voting to influence the other sides outcome is not right. But I do have to admit this. I didn’t think those usual Democratic Party voters in those states have enough brains to do that. That’s what amazes me.

  4. “Yet another reason why Demonrats need to be rooted out, hunted, and eliminated like the malignant cancerous pestilence and plague that they actually really are.”

    Rush Limbaugh and company called for Republicans to do this at least in Indiana for the Democratic presidential primary in 2008 to exacerbate the Clinton/Obama primary. The state Republican Party complained about the ill effects to them of that still years after.

    Someday we’re going to have a main party’s presidential primary system get completely screwed up by the other party (likely Republicans in states where Democrats are a clear minority, outside of places the northeast, California, Hawaii Democrats can’t really do it) and then we’ll get some kind of primary voter access reform. The notion of playing fair by both sides’ partisans is extinct.

  5. Bigdaddyluvsu,

    If you’re going to close it, fine. However, there should be a 3rd primary ballot option for independents where they can then pick from everyone from both parties. And a person could in theory have a Republican and Independents endorsement for the November election.

    It is a pretty common sense primary party registration fix that would not be favored by either party due to it could potentially create a 3-way race.

  6. Good point Ryan. Here’s an idea. Maybe states need to caucus instead of holding primary’s.

  7. I’d be in favor. Or the state parties can make the choice to have the states run their caucus as a primary under whatever rules the party wants, but reimburses the state and county election boards for billed costs. Again, not happening anytime soon.

    Believe (Democrat-controlled) New Mexico though setup something of that vein a year ago of independents vote in primaries. A party can choose to exclude independents to have a closed primary, but is required to pay the state for the primary.

  8. I don’t see why demon rats are still allowed to breathe much less vote. Disgraceful and dangerous. Must be stopped as soon as possible and at any cost.

  9. Some of you still don’t understand that the left and leftists are an existential threat to our national sovereignty, Christendom, Western civilization and the White Race as a whole. They aim to completely and utterly destroy everything we have built over hundreds and thousands of years and leave us nothing to pass on to future generations. This is a fight for our survival as a people and the time to convince those of you sitting on the fence has already passed.

  10. NOOO problemo with right and rightists ???

    Note killers /enslavers in WW I Central Powers and WW II Axis Powers ???

    STATISM with control freak statists [esp minority rule monarchs / oligarchs] is the problem — for 6,000 plus years.


  11. Eu v San Fran would seem to apply. The decision of who should participate in a primary, or whether a party chooses to nominate by some other means, ought to be up to each party.

    The only thing that ought to impinge on this is if the state pays for the primary. If so, then parties ought to have options either to nominate by other means, or finance their own primary, if they don’t like the rules set by the STATE.

  12. The central powers were the good guys in WWI to the extent that there were any. Without American interference a more equitable peace at the end of that war would have prevented WWII. The US should have stayed out of the European theater in WWII as well, focusing only on coastal defense and beating the Japs.



  14. I agree Larry. New government reports says that the munitions industry heavily persuaded President Wilson to enter WW1 just to make money for them. It had nothing to do with DEMOCRACY at all.

  15. How many USA citizens killed/injured by HUN sub attacks on the High Seas before the USA Declaration of War in Apr 1917 ???

    USA to do nothing in response- except surrender – become HUN provinces ???

    Hmm – Did all 3 killer Axis Powers declare WAR on the USA in Dec 7-11, 1941 ???

    USA to do nothing in response- except surrender – become Axis provinces ???

  16. Sub attacks occurred because the US was supplying the UK. THE US SHOULD HAVE REMAINED TRULY NEUTRAL BEFORE IT ENTERED THE WAR and then never entered it. Then there would have been no Second World War. As for that latter war, the European Axis powers declared war on the US AS A FORMALITY AS PART OF THEIR ALLIANCE WITH THE SLANT EYED JAPS. That doesn’t mean they posed any credible threat to the US. THE GERMANS HAD THEIR HANDS FULL WITH RUSSIA, and would have with or without the Americans. They didn’t pose a credible threat of taking England, much less crossing the ocean and mounting an invasion of the USA. Italy was even less capable of any transoceanic attack. US participation in the European theater of the war should have been limited to a naval defense of the East Coast.

  17. Wilson’s idiotic “war for Democracy” triggered a set of events that led to Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. Worldwide, hundreds of millions of human beings have been killed (so far) as a result, by their own governments, wars between governments, and by terrorists and revolutionary armies. Billions more have been enslaved, robbed, raped, tortured, starved, imprisoned, separated from families, beaten, forced into exile, etc, etc. The world would have been far better off with the Hapsburgs, Romanoffs and Hohenzollerns on their respective thrones. Democracy is a false and failed religion. America too needs a strong royal family, and I firmly believe it ought to be the Trump family. No more stolen elections and disastrous chicom puppets like Dementia Joe and wicked witch of the west Commie Kamala.

  18. USA — NO DOI and Am Rev War ??? —

    back to being olde Brit colonies east of Appl mountains — under the CONTROL of Brit monarchs / oligarchs ???

    Fight more with France and Spain for control of N/S America, Africa, Asia ???
    DOOOM for ANTI-Democracy killer/enslaver monarchs/oligarchs.


  19. It would be silly to bow to the UK monarchs at this point. We need our own, and clearly it should be the Trump dynasty.

  20. I strongly support closed primaries as a means of maintaining party integrity over the nomnation process, but I think the story about Georgia is utter bullshit. Clearly, Georgia is an “open primary, public choice” state (unlike the “open primary, private choice” states of the upper Midwest), but I don’t find the claim that 37,000 2020 Dem voters who voted GOP in 2022 convincing evidence of “raiding”. Couldn’t it be possible that a good chunk of those were sincere party switchers, as we’ve seen by registration trends in closed primary states? And wouldn’t it be important to measure the offsetting number of 2020 Republicans who voted Dem in 2022? And besides, does one primary vote lock one’s party affiliation in place forever?

    The other question one might ask in this case is why those “Democrats” crossed over to vote for the establishment, rather than MAGA Republicans? If one were strategically voting, I would think they would vote for the latter as those would be perceived as being easier to beat in November.

    Sorry, but I don’t buy any of this.

  21. It could be that they think establishment Republicans are actually easier to beat.

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