New Mexico Election Returns for Primary of June 7, 2022

New Mexico held primaries on June 7 for the Democratic, Republican, and Libertarian Parties. Here are the results. Only party members were able to vote in any party’s primary, although independent voters were permitted to join a party on primary day. The largest vote cast in the Libertarian primary was for Lieutenant Governor; 1,169 votes were cast. By comparison, in June 2020, there had been 1,570 votes cast in the Libertarian primary for president.


New Mexico Election Returns for Primary of June 7, 2022 — 58 Comments

  1. No he wasn’t. Johnson was a statist and SJW communist, plus a whacked out stoner. Really more of a Democrat than anything else. Bedonie is more libertarian.

  2. Gary Johnson is not a libertarian at all. The fact he wanted Weld and both were brought in by Fed and fake libertarian Sarwark cements that.

  3. Johnson founded his own company and built it into a large corporation. Not a communist. He may have been a stoner, but so is half of the LP, so he fits right in.

    Bedonie wants the state to impose a tax of $100,000 to get an abortion, wants to build a border wall, and says she supports the military and law enforcement just like a Trumpster. Those are all Republican statist positions.

  4. Abortion is murder. Gary Johnson supports taxes, higher taxes in fact. He is an SJW and wants to force bakers to make cakes. That’s what statist commies do. Gary Johnson supports war. Gary Johnson is a communist just like Jim is.

  5. Tossup between Gary Johnson and Bob Barr for least libertarian presidential candidate.

  6. Bedonie wants to impose a tax of $100,000 to get an abortion, not ban them. So she is allowing murder, according to you, and simultaneously imposing higher taxes. Border walls also cost tax money. Bedonie literally said she supports Trump’s foreign policy. Trump, of course, sharply escalated Obama’s drone wars, then banned government reporting of the data in order to try to cover it up.

  7. Trump pushed us to get out of Afghanistan. Your hero Biden wants war with Russia and China. The wall is paid for. Jim is a fucking commie moron.

  8. Why are you focusing on one war that Trump talked about ending, but didn’t actually get it done, while ignoring all of the others that he didn’t even talk about ending and instead escalated? It was Biden that actually withdrew from Afghanistan, not Trump. I voted for the other Jo in that election, but I don’t think Biden wants a hot war with either Russia or China. The wall is neither paid for, nor completely built, which is why Bedonie is campaigning on building it.

  9. Jorgensen? Another joke candidate. She supports Marxist BLM, meaning she is a Marxist. The way you show love of Biden, you obviously voted for him.

  10. Didn’t Sarwark say he would vote for Hitler if the LP made him the candidate? Didn’t he want Dick Cheney to run?

  11. All pro-war candidates [esp. monarch/oligarch types] in the front-front-front line – to be killed off ASAP —

    and have some DEAD something named for them.

  12. Is Thomas Jones calling for violence against candidates? He wants to kill people?

  13. I am a New Mexico resident and LPNM member. I attended the state convention a heard Ms. Bedonie speak. I was not impressed at all by her libertarian viewpoint. She is a really good self promoter and the fact that she is Navajo (Dine) is interesting and could really work to the advantage of the Libertarian Party. Unfortunately, I think she is more Trump like than the dweeb who won the Republican nomination. The incumbent has a tremendous war chest and will probably win re-election even in a year where Democrats struggle so Ms. Bedonie’s bona fides as a “true libertarian” probably won’t matter much anyway. The real races that matter are much lower down the ballot where it’s possible for a Libertarian to poll 5% and maintain major party status for the LPNM.

  14. Trump is way more libertarian than the so called Libertarian Party. I read that is about to change and that real libertarians took their party back from the secret and not so secret communists but I’ll believe it’s for real when I see more than words. Trump is the most libertarian President since at least Calvin Coolidge and maybe even Andrew Jackson. When (not if) Trump gets back in to office he will be by far our most libertarian President ever bar none. So if this squaw is anything in the mold of Trump and Trumpism she is the best candidate in the primary or general election for that office.

  15. Morgan is correct. PRESIDENT Trump is a true libertarian. Libertarianism has nothing to do with fag marriage or killing babies or open borders or endless wars or globalism or tax hikes. True libertarianism is the opposite of all those things and that is exactly where PRESIDENT Trump stands.

  16. How many USA/Foreign DEAD/maimed for life/injured due to USA Prez orders for acts of WAR without any 1-8 USA Congress Declarations of War ???

    Early on –semi-nonstop genocide wars with American Indian tribes to 1890.

    later esp since June 1950 Korean WAR ???

    USA regime – centuries of being a monarch/oligarch regime full of killers in Devil City — as in Asia for 6,000 plus years

    — esp due to the 3 ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander systems – Reps / Sens / Prez-VP

  17. President Trump wanted to use eminent domain to build the wall on the Mexican border. He was putting certain Texas ranches out of business by seizing part of their ranches for the wall, and then leaving a rump of private property between the wall and the Rio Grande River. His allies in Congress do everything they can to keep marijuana illegal. His allies in Congress and some of his judicial appointees want to increase government power over pregnant women, and even interfere with certain kinds of birth control devices. He has the soul of a dictator.

  18. Richard Winger is spreading FAKE NEWS. The man he voted for, Biden is the definition of a dictator. Richard Winger is a moron and a communist.

  19. I voted for Jo Jorgensen for president in November 2020, and I also voted for her in the California Libertarian primary earlier that year.

  20. I also voted for Jo Jorgensen in 2020. She was the best candidate for President that year.

  21. I voted for Donald Trump, the most libertarian candidate in the race.

  22. Dennis – Sarwark was asked a hypothetical – would he vote for Dick Cheney as a Libertarian if it meant that Cheney would end the drug war, but nothing else would change. Sarwark said that yes, he would vote for Cheney if it meant ending the drug war and all else stayed the same, because ending the drug war was his top issue.

    That was in the debate with Dave Smith. Smith didn’t like that answer because Smith’s top issues were ending wars and ending the Fed. What Sarwark SHOULD have asked in response was, would Smith vote for Hitler if it meant ending the Fed and the Afghanistan war, but nothing else would change.

    The issue was that Smith kept insisting that ending the Fed and ending the wars MUST be the top issues for all libertarians. Sarwark’s position was that it was up to individuals to rank their own top issues, and that his was the war on drugs. On that, Sarwark was correct. But, that’s when Smith asked his hypothetical question about Dick Cheney.

  23. Didn’t Sarwark actually vote for Dick Cheney to be chairman at the convention?

  24. Jorgensen is a Marxist, making her a terrible candidate. I don’t vote for Marxists. Jim is obviously a Sarwark lover. Attempting to steal affiliates, bringing in fakes like Bill Weld, supporting Dick Cheney, being a Fed, faking assaults and supporting Marxism is apparently what Jim wants in the party. I prefer actual libertarians.

  25. Jorgensen had self identified Marxists supporting her. Richard Winger himself posted that. She is a Marxist and therefore evil.

  26. Richard Winger voted for Joe Biden. He’s constantly defending him and bashing Trump. All of his sources are from the far left.

  27. “President Trump wanted to use eminent domain to build the wall on the Mexican border. He was putting certain Texas ranches out of business by seizing part of their ranches for the wall, and then leaving a rump of private property between the wall and the Rio Grande River. His allies in Congress do everything they can to keep marijuana illegal. His allies in Congress and some of his judicial appointees want to increase government power over pregnant women, and even interfere with certain kinds of birth control devices.”

    In other words, he wants to defend our borders and keep our country from being overrun by terrorists, barbarians, rapists, murderers, criminal gangs, poison cartels, and genetically inferior hordes bearing infectious diseases who seek to steal our jobs and our women and bludgeon and breed our civilization that has been built through centuries and millenia out of existence. He wants to keep fighting the good fight against a mind destroying gateway drug that is ravaging the brains of the last four or five generations of Americans and destroying the moral fiber of our families, churches, country and towns as part of a satanic communist illuminati new world order conspiracy. And he wants to stop the holocaust of abortion murder of millions of innocent babies.

    Or to put it as simply as possible, he is a true libertarian.

  28. Why won’t Biden take a cognitive test? Trump did and passed with flying colors.

  29. A vote for Burn Loot Murder Marxist Jo was no different than a vote directly for Sleepy Creepy Dementia Joe. Both were votes against President Trump, the only man who was and is saving America and making it great again and preserving our liberty and civilization and our Republic, ordained by God to usher in the second coming of Jesus Christ and destroy our enemies, foreign and domestic. To restore the natural leadership and pride of White, straight, natural born American men over their families, our country, and the world. To bring the jobs back to America and kick the hordes of dark skinned invaders out. He is the last and best hope to restore and bring new glory to our faith and freedom, to restore our blood and soil and duty and honor and country.

    And the election was stolen by the Chinese Communists and their New World Order partners in crime for their criminal traitor partner in crimes in crime crackhead pedo Hunter Biden and Kamala Ooga Booga Harris the marxist prostitute. So if you voted for Marxist Jo or Marxist Joe, congratulations, you voted for the communist takeover of our country and to have the dirty feet of dirty dark skinned savages and satanic new world order leftist left hand path illuminati trample everything we have ever built into the mud forever. A vote for Trump was and is the only libertarian vote in the 2020 US Presidential Election.

  30. “My butt’s been wiped!”
    -Joe Biden

    (His mind has been wiped)

    Why won’t Biden take a cognitive test? Trump did and passed with flying colors.

    (For that same reason)

  31. Richard Winger refuses to answer why he never bashes Biden. His bias is so obvious.

  32. Biden is definitely a pedophile. He took sexual showers with his young daughter Ashley.

  33. Right after Biden fell off his bike he went right over to a little girl. Think about that.

  34. He fell off the bike because he was looking at a little girl he wanted to sniff and molest.

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