Old News, Just Discovered: Kentucky Moved Independent Candidate Petition Deadline from August to June in 2018

This is old news, but has not previously been mentioned by BAN. In 2018, the Kentucky legislature moved the petition deadline for non-presidential independent candidates, and the nominees of unqualified parties, from the second Tuesday in August, to the first Monday after the first Tuesday in June. The change, made by HB 381, passed unanimously in both houses. The Governor declined to sign it, but he didn’t veto it either, so it became law effective after the 2018 election.

The bill didn’t change the presidential petition, which continues to be in early September.


Old News, Just Discovered: Kentucky Moved Independent Candidate Petition Deadline from August to June in 2018 — 26 Comments

  1. Unfortunately, the best parts of my interview with Jo Jorgensen did not get recorded, because my video camera ran out of space. I hope to interview her again in the future.

  2. Type in tinyurl.com/ yperuevu and then remove the space after the slash. It must be blacklisted here.

  3. I just now watched the Andy Jacobs interview with Jo Jorgensen, thanks to commenters above who made me aware of how to do that. It’s a great interview although it seems to stop in the middle.

  4. Richard, I mentioned above that my video camera ran out of space part of the way through, and the best parts of the interview did not get recorded, which was very disappointing.

    I am hoping to do another interview with Jo Jorgensen in the future.

  5. Yeah. We talked about BLM, immigration, abortion, the Alan Dershowitz faux pas, and more.

  6. “IPR-X on June 26, 2022 at 11:40 pm said:
    Did she denounce BLM?”

    Jo said that she acknowledged that BLM espouses a Marxist ideology, and she does not support that.

  7. “IPR-X on June 26, 2022 at 11:40 pm said:
    Did she denounce BLM?”

    Jo also acknowledged that BLM was being used to fan the flames of racial tension as a part of a divide and conquer strategy from people like George Soros.

  8. Did she express support for open borders or for a more restrictive immigration policy?

  9. She told me that she does not really support open borders. She had a more nuanced position.

  10. I do not know if I received any emails from you. What address did you send from? Since you post under a bunch of fake names, we don’t know who you are.

  11. I did receive the email.

    I am not interested in being a writer for IPR-X?, by the way.

    She just said that she opposes abortion. We did not get into that many details on it.

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