Both Democratic and Republican Party Activists Ask to See Illinois Libertarian Statewide Petition

This year, the Libertarian Party was the only group in Illinois that filed a ballot access petition for statewide office. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have visited the State Board of Elections office to obtain a copy of the Libertarian petition. If no one challenges the petition, the Libertarian Party is on the ballot for its statewide nominees, because Illinois election officials don’t validate petitions in the absence of a challenge.

The deadline for challenges is the end of the day, Monday, July 18.

The purpose of looking at the petition is for potential challengers to decide whether to go ahead with a challenge. There is always a little bit of motivation for Republicans to challenge Libertarian petitions. This year there may be some motivation for the Democratic Party as well, because the Libertarian nominee for Secretary of State is Jesse White. The Libertarian Jesse White happens to have the same name as the outgoing Secretary of State, Jesse White, who is a Democrat and who has always been very popular in Illinois, always winning with over 60% of the vote ever since his first election. The Democratic Secretary of State is retiring, so assuming the Libertarians appear on the ballot, the only Jesse White on the statewide ballot will be Libertarian Jesse White.


Both Democratic and Republican Party Activists Ask to See Illinois Libertarian Statewide Petition — 16 Comments

  1. Looking to challenge, obviously. I think the LP of IL will need a validity rate of at least 68% or 69% to survive a challenge. I think there is a good chance their validity is higher than that. We shall see.

  2. My grandmother was a Democrat. If she was alive today I can’t imagine her being a Democrat now.

  3. Is the Secretary of State election a retention election, meaning that if the LP clears a vote threshold in that election, they get petition free ballot access in 2024?

  4. Will the LP Jesse White be forced to have a ballot label of —

    NOT the ex-Sec of State in YYYY-YYYY ???

  5. If any Libertarian running for statewide office gets 5%, then the Libertarian Party will be ballot-qualified for 2024 for the statewide offices, but not the district or county offices.

    The only time the Libertarian Party ever polled 5% for an Illinois statewide office was 1994, when a Libertarian got over 5% for Trustee of the University of Illinois. That meant the party was on for its own primary in 1996, but only for statewide offices, including a presidential primary.

    In 2014, the Libertarian Party got 4.76% for Controller, not quite good enough.

  6. The Republicans who pulled petitions on the Libertarian slate were John Fogarty and Rudi Patitucci. Fogarty is the legal patsy for Illinois GOP (more like the RINO Party) that has failed every single previous challenge for the last four cycles.

    The Democrats who pulled petitions on the Libertarian slate were Luther Landon, Nicholas Boyle, Hanah Jubeh, and Patrick Lanctot.

    There was one person who pulled petitions who wasn’t affiliated with either party, according to election voter rolls: Jacquelynn Wise, who is the stepdaughter of current LPIL treasurer Russ Clark. She may have been securing copies for Russ and the party, but it’s difficult to tell as the nature of the petitions being pulled isn’t mentioned on the Illinois State Board of Elections website.

    Andy – from the figures that LPIL chair Steve Suess told me, it should average between 71% and 74%, depending on when they decide to give up, considering the objections deadline is at 5 p.m. Central.

  7. The GOP isn’t going to win jack shit. Especially given their nominee for Governor, Darren Bailey, has been voting Democrat for years and voted Democrat in the primary.

  8. Oh, sure, fake Republican endorses a fake Republican. How well did that work in 2020? Most of them lost!

  9. 2020 stolen election. Trump won. Trump is the real GOP and the real America. USA is Trump country!

  10. He is corrupt, swamp

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