This is old news, but hadn’t previously been reported. The Libertarian Party has chosen Washington, D.C. for its 2024 presidential convention. The Libertarian Party also held its 1996 presidential convention in Washington, D.C. It is believed that no other nationally-organized political party in U.S. history has ever held its presidential convention in Washington, D.C., except that the Socialist Workers Party held its 1980 convention there.
Will the Biden commies have a *riot* to wipe out the top LP leaders ???
See cop riot in 1968 in Chicago.
Could they have picked a worse city?
YES – New York City, Chicago, LA, SF, Detroit, Boston, etc etc
— all the red commie cities with red commie mayors – esp if they control local cops.
Duh, DC is the most red commie of them all. Regime “libertarians” are a bad joke, always trying to be more regime statist bootlicker than even the duopoly parties. Hopefully the new lnc will move it somewhere more appropriate like New Hampshire, Texas, Florida etc.
Or they could just cancel and have it online again and nominate NOTA then endorse Trump. That would be better than taking a risk on throwing the election to the communist Demoncrats again.
The 1998 Libertarian National Convention was also in Washington DC.
It was not a presidential nominating convention.
Regardless, we probably don’t need the Libertarians nominating presidential candidates anymore, unless the GOP reverses course and looks like it could fall back under the control of the RHINO’s. But if they look like they will nominate Trump (most likely) or even DeSantis or Carlson or anyone like that the Libertarians should nominate NOTA. And if you are going to have a physical convention please move it to a city and state that is not under the control of the evil communist Demoncrats.
Plan on going if I can win a delegate spot. Kids’ll be 7 and 6 then so can take them to see a couple sites.
Good for you Ryan. I hope you will be chosen as a delegate. I attended national conventions in 2004, 2006 and 2008 and found them interesting and enjoyable. And I visited two cities that I would not have seen if it was not for the conventions.
I attended the LP National Conventions in 2000, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022.
Should be held in a big circus tent with clowns, elephant dung, etc.
As usual–
LP is a bigger threat to divide-and-conquer commie donkeys or fascist elephants ???
They take votes from GOP mostly.
“I attended the LP National Conventions in 2000, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022.”
They let Mexicans attend?
Joe – there will be plenty of Elephant dunk at the Republican Convention. That is what they nominated the last two times.
Slam dunk for President Trump. #MAGA
Slam dunk for President Trump!
The LP should just nominate Trump instead of another commie like Jorgensen.
LOL @ Tony’s comment!
Trump will be in prison by 2024.
The garbage comment on July 23, 2022 at 2:20 pm is from Robert K Stock.
Sidney: One of the most important and specific short term goals of the Libertarian Party should be to take away votes from your candidates. A win for us in the short term is inflicting a loss on you, with the LP vote being more than the margin of your loss, so that you know we did it to you. As Nick Sarwak would say, your tears are delicious.
I am deadly serious, I am a committed member of the LP who donates significantly and monthly, and whatever little influence I have will be used to find and support candidates who will challenge both Republicans and Democrats.
What’s the whole purpose of disrupting if all you’re doing is helping the establishment elect the candidate they want, i.e. the Democrat nominee rather than Trump? If federal agent Sarwark is your idea of an outsider then you really should consider your worldview.
In the last 3 Presidential elections, it appears that LP national candidates took more votes from Democrats.
Electing outsiders is not a goal of libertarianism. Libertarianism is neutral on the question of establishment vs outsiders.
Walter – I don’t know about 2012 or 2020, but the reason Johnson’s poll numbers collapsed in 2016 was that the Democratic leaners who had been supporting him during the late summer “went home” to Clinton. There were some polls from around August and September that showed Johnson pulling more from Clinton, but by November that was no longer the case.
You are quoting Sarwark, the guy who faked an assault in Sparks? Pathetic.
Sarwark is going to nominate Liz Cheney.
about half down – results
NONfunctional FEC — Federal Elections, 2020 — NOT YET produced.
Congress hacks – too evil corrupt / stupid to make official results as H. Doc. ONE of each new gerrymander Congress.
Andy, that is an impressive record of LP convention attendance! Thank you for your interest and activity.
NOOO oligarch conventions.
NONpartisan execs
Voter nom pets / filing fees
AppV – pending Condorcet
@ Jim:
in 2012 and 2016, Johnson ran a campaign aimed at disaffected liberals and moderates, and 10 2020 Jorgensen ran a campaign quite expressly aimed at young liberals. It’s doubtful than many votes that the national LP ticket got in 2012, 2016, and 2020 could have been transferred to the Republicans, but without ranked choice voting, we can never know for certain. While it appears that 1n 2020 Jorgensen flipped several states for the Democrats, I seriously doubt that Trump would have carried any of those states if there were no LP candidates, with the possible exception of PA. But, even if you transferred all of PA’s electoral votes to Trump, Biden still would have won.
I was hoping that Maine might publish #2 votes in 2020, so that we could have a clue.
IMO, if the LP doesn’t run a strong candidate in 2024, it won’t help the Republicans at all.
You are delusional crazy nuts. Basically everyone thinks of libertarian as means ultra far right. So that is where the vast majority of there votes comes from. Even if the candidate is a goofy liberal stoner like Johnson or a burn loot murder Marxist like Jorgensen. Leftist and moderate will never vote for them just because they are labeled libertarian. And some conservative will be tricked into voting for them. They don’t get much coverage or have any real ad budget so even most of the people who vote for them don’t have much clue about the individual candidate so all that that know is its a libertarian which most people think means something like “someone with views like Ron Paul or Rand Paul”. I am not talking about the weird nerds here but the average voter, including the average sometimes libertarian voter.
I was AT the 96 DC Convention (delegate from CA!). We had to compete for hotel “convention meeting” space with the National Education Association’s convention! About the best part of the 96 LNC that I aw was the hooker from Missouri!
Francis is making way too much sense for the wack jobs here.