Kansas Libertarian Party Endorses “No” Vote on Statewide Ballot Measure on August 2 Ballot

The Kansas primary is on August 2. The ballot contains one statewide measure, the “Kansas No State Constitutional Right to Abortion and Legislative Power to Regulate Abortion Amendment.” Unlike most states, Kansas does not put a number or a letter on the ballot to designate particular measures, which makes it awkward to prepare a bumper sticker or a yard sign.

According to this press release, the Kansas Libertarian Party, one of only three qualified parties in Kansas, recommends a “no” vote.


Kansas Libertarian Party Endorses “No” Vote on Statewide Ballot Measure on August 2 Ballot — 32 Comments

  1. NOOO prop number/letter ???!!!

    Better if a 1939 Wizard of Oz tornado wipes out the moron regime ???

  2. Glad to see some state LP affiliates are still “Pro-Choice on Everything”

  3. I applaud the Kansas Libertarian Party for their support of the libertarian position that a woman
    has the right to control her own body. If a state has the power to control a woman’s reproductive system,
    how can any other limit be put on state power?

    Libertarians oppose conscription because a young man has a right to total control over his own body.
    No Libertarian Party affiliate has taken a “neutral” or “both sides are right” stand on a young man’s
    right to control his own body.

  4. 19th Amdt [women right to vote] will have its effects in 2022 elections.

    Possible finish of elephant control freak gangsters.

  5. It is a consistent libertarian principle that, if you are violating the rights of someone else, you have forfeited your own rights to some extent. A thief loses some property rights as he owes compensation to his victims, a rapist loses his right to freedom, an attempted murderer loses his right to life. No libertarian disputes that.

    A fetus violates the rights of its host by feeding off of her. It is a violation that the woman can choose to allow. Or not. If you wish to make the argument that the fetus must not be harmed more than necessary during the process of separation, you can do that. But you cannot, on libertarian grounds, argue that no such right to separation exists, regardless of the outcome to the fetus.

    Legal abortion is the libertarian position, even if some libertarians choose to be personally pro-life.

  6. Gene – I don’t know if an LP affiliate has supported restricting a man’s right to control his own body yet, but that is the path that the so-called “state’s rights libertarians” are walking down.

  7. How much control when males/females commanded to be a tax slave, a military draftee, a juror draftee, etc ???

  8. “A fetus violates the rights of its host by feeding off of her. It is a violation that the woman can choose to allow. Or not. If you wish to make the argument that the fetus must not be harmed more than necessary during the process of separation, you can do that. But you cannot, on libertarian grounds, argue that no such right to separation exists, regardless of the outcome to the fetus.”

    A two year old violates the right of his mother by leeching off of her resources that she earned, not him. Can we all agree it is a libertarian principle that she has the right to abort that two year old?

  9. “A fetus violates the rights of its host by feeding off of her.”

    Are you an idiot? The baby didn’t spontaneously appear. The woman committed an act to put the baby in that situation. If someone ends up somewhere because of your actions then you are responsible for it. That’s a basic tort principle.

  10. NOOO *rights* for those parasitic 0-17 year olde folks ??? ??? ??? !!!

    Wipe them out at option of parents/ guardians / ***the state*** ??? ??? ??? !!!

    Same for older parasitic folks – mental/physical in bad shape ???

    See Hitler regime —- pre-war and then war time – mass murders of certain classes.

  11. “A two year old violates the right of his mother by leeching off of her resources that she earned, not him. Can we all agree it is a libertarian principle that she has the right to abort that two year old?”

    You clearly do not understand rights. There is no rights violation there. The mother voluntarily feeds the child. It’s the difference between randomly walking up to someone and punching them in the face – a rights violation – and a boxing match – not a rights violation. The alternative is that the child can be adopted by someone else.

  12. “The baby didn’t spontaneously appear. The woman committed an act to put the baby in that situation. If someone ends up somewhere because of your actions then you are responsible for it. If someone ends up somewhere because of your actions then you are responsible for it.”

    The woman committed an act to put the fetus there and then she committed another act to restore the fetus to its previous state. It wasn’t alive before and it wasn’t alive after. There is no problem there. It only existed briefly because she choose to allow the violation of her bodily autonomy. That is a decision she can reverse at any time and it leaves the fetus in the same condition that it was in before, not in a worse condition.

  13. The previous state was not decapitated. There’s a difference between death and non-existence.

    But if we were to maintain (wrongfully) there’s no difference, why should the woman not be able to stop taking care of her two year old and just let it die?

  14. JIM to JIM’S SON: “I brought you into this world, goddammit, and I sure as hell can take you out of it!”

  15. Not alive before, not alive after. The state is the same. There is no effective difference between dead and non-existence.

    I already explained to you that a woman can stop taking care of her 2 year old. It can just be adopted by someone else.

  16. “I brought you into this world, goddammit, and I sure as hell can take you out of it!”

    The same stupid straw man that fails to grasp even the most basic libertarian conception of rights that Mr. Fake Libertarian used and only 5 minutes apart. What a coincidence.

  17. “I already explained to you that a woman can stop taking care of her 2 year old. It can just be adopted by someone else.”

    What if it’s born in a rural area and there’s no one else around? The parent can abandon it and let it die and there’s nothing wrong with it, right?

  18. “The same stupid straw man”

    No. It’s a correct recitation of your philosophy.

  19. Wrong, stupid. Letting someone die through inaction is not the same as actively “taking them out of the world.”

    The thing about rural areas is, everyone knows everyone else and there aren’t too many other people with whom you can do business. So while a parent might abandon their child, that could very easily come back around and bite them as the rest of the community refuses to sell that person food and other essentials. Virtually no one on the planet is entirely self-sufficient. The more rural someone is, the more vital it is that they remain in good standing with the people who are in their area. Other people tend to frown on those who let their children starve. So it is in the parent’s own rational self interest to see the kid adopted by someone who wants to take care of it. That’s aside from the more obvious traditional role in rural areas of parents taking care of kids when they are young and then moving in with their kids when the parent becomes are old and frail, since extremely rural areas often don’t have retirement homes.

  20. Whether it’s rational or not means nothing. People do irrational things all the time. Let’s say a child climbs out of his crib and breaks his leg. He’s crying but nobody hears him outside of his parents who decide to do nothing for him and stop feeding him so eventually he dies. Under your philosophy, the parents have done nothing wrong in this scenario.

  21. While a fetus is a parasite, it is so by its nature. It cannot exist any other way. The fact that it is a parasite does not, in and of itself, deprive it of the right to life.

  22. The book “Soul Survivor” by Bruce Leininger makes an extremely convincing case that at least once, reincarnation happened. It is a very persuasive book. The Leininger’s son as a two-year-old in the late 1990’s for some reason absorbed the consciousness of a particular downed US WW II fighter pilot who died in 1945 over the Pacific. I know it sounds implausible but the evidence is overwhelming. Anyway when the son was somewhat older he told his parents that before someone is born, he or she has a chance to choose his or her parents. If the baby-to-be wants to incarnate into a mother who is going to abort him or her, the baby-to-be knows that will happen, and still chooses to do that. So an abortion isn’t necessarily a tragedy. I wish everyone would read “Soul Survivor”.

  23. Wow. The fake libertarians are truly insane. They believe decapitation and other horrible ways to die are the same as just being restored to a state of non existence. Thank God that the libertarian party is being taken over by people who follow real libertarians such as Ron Paul, Gary North, Lew Rockwell, Alex Jones, HANS HOPPE, etc.

    Thank God also that the GOP is being taken over by Nationalist, Populist true conservatives at the same time, and kicking out the evil leftist neocons and rhino’s. Soon, when we finish kicking out the leftist invaders from both the Libertarian and Republican parties, we can proceed to the true tasks at hand: defeating the evil leftists in all their forms both at home and abroad.

    The evil, satanic leftists worship death and mass murder as a sacrifice to the devil. This includes the Holocaust of abortion which is a religious sacrifice to them. They also ritually abduct, rape, enslave and murder large quantities of children in every country in the world including the USA. This is a fact which only those who are in on the demonic conspiracy and the highly gullible can deny.

    Soon the last chapters of Revelations will be coming true. We will utterly defeat the left in our elections. We will defeat Red China and the Jihadists and the European Union, round up and kick out all the illegals and also the “legal” third world invaders, and restore a pan nationalist world order based on White Supremacy and Patriarchy. Hallelujah and Amen!




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