Georgia Libertarian Party Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Ballot Access Case Involving U.S. House

On July 29, the Georgia Libertarian Party asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Cowen v Georgia Secretary of State. Here is the cert Petition. The case involves the Georgia law for minor party and independent candidate ballot access for U.S. House. The U.S. District Court had struck it down, but the Eleventh Circuit had restored it. It is so restrictive, no minor party has ever been able to be on the ballot for U.S. House in a regularly-schedule election since 1942. The law was passed in 1943.


Georgia Libertarian Party Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Ballot Access Case Involving U.S. House — 8 Comments

  1. Will Brown v Bd of Ed 1954 finally be noted ???

    TOTAL brain rot since 1968 Williams v Rhodes.

  2. NOOOOOO mention of Brown in the cases cited

    === one more DOOOOOMED effort ??? duh.

  3. Failure to hang/shoot ALL top Confeds – IE GOVS- LEG HACKS – COLS – GENS

    — responsible for the 750,000 DEAD in 1861-1866.

    MORON Lincoln choosing Johnson of slave state TN to be VP in 1864 election

    — who, after Lincoln was killed, then pardoned almost all Confeds in 1865-1869.

  4. Trump is the people’s choice to lead our Nation
    And Trump is also the key to save our civilization
    From hordes of swarthy foreigners who are sneaking in
    We must preserve the tone of our grandchildrens skin
    Trump will save us from evil globalist gender benders
    And stop the great replacement white genocide racial enders
    He’ll keep us Christian and bowing to God
    And remind all the parents to not spare the rod
    He’ll drain the swamp and lock Hillary up
    Because she’s an evil witch and completely corrupt
    He’ll stop us from getting into world war three
    And preserve the land of the brave and the home of the free
    Round up the illegals, deport every last one
    And not rest for a second til our great wall is done
    Trump will end the Holocaust of abortion for good
    And appoint more wise justices to make it understood
    That God is back in our schools and men lead our families
    And forced integration will become but a memory
    So for all of these reasons and so many more
    Let each and all of us vote Trump in ’24!

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