San Francisco Law Letting Certain Non-Citizens Vote in School Board Elections is Challenged in State Court

On July 28, a Superior Court in San Francisco held a hearing in a lawsuit challenging the city’s charter amendment that lets certain non-citizens vote in San Francisco School Board elections. See this story. The lawsuit says the State Constitution bars the city’s policy.


San Francisco Law Letting Certain Non-Citizens Vote in School Board Elections is Challenged in State Court — 14 Comments

  1. They should announce that all the illegals can just go ahead and vote, and then when they come in to vote put them in a monkey cage and torture them until they give up their family members and any other illegals they know of where they are. Continue the torture until we are reasonably sure we have all the illegals rounded up. Then frog march them all into Mexico. Set up the military on the border with shoot to kill on sight orders if any come back. And restore the immigration laws we had from the 1920s to 1965. In God’s name so let it be done. Amen!

  2. How many MORON States allow any subpart regime to be any sort of independent empire — esp re election law stuff ???

  3. Trump is the people’s choice to lead our Nation
    And Trump is also the key to save our civilization
    From hordes of swarthy foreigners who are sneaking in
    We must preserve the tone of our grandchildrens skin
    Trump will save us from evil globalist gender benders
    And stop the great replacement white genocide racial enders
    He’ll keep us Christian and bowing to God
    And remind all the parents to not spare the rod
    He’ll drain the swamp and lock Hillary up
    Because she’s an evil witch and completely corrupt
    He’ll stop us from getting into world war three
    And preserve the land of the brave and the home of the free
    Round up the illegals, deport every last one
    And not rest for a second til our great wall is done
    Trump will end the Holocaust of abortion for good
    And appoint more wise justices to make it understood
    That God is back in our schools and men lead our families
    And forced integration will become but a memory
    So for all of these reasons and so many more
    Let each and all of us vote Trump in ’24!

  4. How many Trump troll morons infecting politics/law/election websites ???

    Getting paid for each word ???

    Will Trump declare for Prez 2024 before/after he is indicted for 2020-2021 attempted overthrow of USA regime ???

    aka conspirator-in-chief — CiC.

  5. I’m reading a non-fiction history book about the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920’s. The 1920’s Klan focused its hostility on immigrants. So this anti-Christian, anti-kindness theme in the U.S. has been going on for a long, long time.

  6. ANTI- X group stuff since 1607– VA colony formed.

    Anti-relig groups — Pilgrims in Mass 1620, Catholics in MD, etc.

    then anti-nationality gps — Irish, Italian, etc

    Discrimination – as rotted as an olde american pie.

  7. Richard, the guy you voted for and gush about Joe Biden loved grand wizard Robert Byrd. Richard also fails the realize the difference between legal and illegal immigrants.

  8. The Ku Klux Klan is a great Christian fraternal group which shines the light of Christ for all and fights to preserve the honor of White women, the safety of White children, and the great White Christian civilization which is our heritage and legacy. I am very proud to be a card carrying, dues paying member of the American Christian Dixie Knights. God bless the Invisible Empire!

  9. Legal and illegal immigration must both be stopped and reversed. Make America White Again!

  10. Donald Trump’s mother, Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, was born in Scotland, emigrated to the US in 1930, and became a citizen in 1942.

    Donald Trump’s first wife, Ivana, was born in Czechoslovakia and came to the US in 1972.

    Donald Trump’s current wife, Melania, was born in Yugoslavia, came to the US on a visitor’s visa in 1996, and became a citizen in 2006.

  11. Man, what a whole lot of lies and confusion. There is nothing wrong with immigration as long as the immigrants are White. If at all possible from North West Europe and Protestant, and speaking or willing and able to learn English.

    KKK did not try to restore slavery. That Godly ordained institution was already suppressed by the guns of Yankee invaders. The KKK came around to prevent what happened in Haiti when slavery ended there. Look it up if you don’t know.

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