U.S. District Court Won’t Require New Legislative Elections in Virginia

On August 1, U.S. District Court Judge David Novak, a Trump appointee, issued an opinion in Thomas v Beals, e.d., 3:22cv-427. The issue was whether Virginia must hold elections for Delegate (the lower house of the legislature) before November 2023. The districts are based on the 2010 census, not the 2020 census. The ruling says there are too many procedural problems for any relief to be granted. Here is the opinion.


U.S. District Court Won’t Require New Legislative Elections in Virginia — 4 Comments

  1. Perhaps THE most ANTI-Democracy State legis gerrymander regime in 2022-2023.

    ROT trend since 1618 – VA colony.
    NOOOO census stuff INSIDE a State.

    PR – all legis bodies.

  2. The way I see it:

    We the people elected Trump (twice) to drain the swamp and save America and make it great again. The first time the deep state and fake news evildoers and traitor scum nullified the will of the people with the Russia hoax and impeachment hoax part 1 and 2 and the ridiculous phony china virus plandemic. The second time they just plain rigged and stole the election and put in a dementia ridden puppet for the Chinese and Ukrainian oligarchs.

    So in 2024 when we the people elect Trump again he should be given a twelve (12) year term and it should count as his first term as far as his eligibility. And he should be made the President and CEO of the USA with the power to fire any congressman, judge, governor, mayor etc. As well as any CEO of any American company!

    Then at the end of 12 years we the people get to vote on whether to extend his leadership yet again. By then maybe it will be time to put one of his son’s in charge of the country. Or maybe not quite yet, and we keep Daddy in charge a little bit longer. Either way God bless America and God bless Trump. TRUMP 2024!!!

  3. According to the decision, there are too many procedural issues to offer any relief.

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