Albany Times-Union Story on New York Libertarian Party’s Ballot Access Lawsuit in State Court

The Albany Times-Union has this story about the New York Libertarian Party’s ballot access lawsuit in state court. The case was argued in the State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, on September 8. The article was published in advance of the hearing, so it doesn’t describe how the hearing went. Sharpe v New York State Board of Elections, 535599.

Also, see this Spectrum1 news story about the lawsuit.


Albany Times-Union Story on New York Libertarian Party’s Ballot Access Lawsuit in State Court — 1 Comment

  1. I agree with Larry Sharpe and his attorney that the new requirement in New York is too difficult. The signature requirement should either be rolled back, or more time should be allowed to collect signatures, or both.

    I disagree with Sharpe and his attorney that they had enough signatures to appear on the ballot, because even if the state’s count of 42,356 was not accurate, he would need a lot more than 45,000 signatures to survive a validity check, and since his petition got challenged, they would have checked every signature. He would likely need a good 60,000-90,000 signatures to have survived a validity check, and I seriously doubt that if the state’s count was off, which it may, or may not be, that he had anywhere close to 60,000-90,000 raw signatures.

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