Missouri Holds Three-Party U.S. Senate Debate

On September 16, the Democratic, Libertarian, and Constitution Party nominees for U.S. Senate in Missouri debated each other. The Republican nominee did not participate, although he was invited. See this story.


Missouri Holds Three-Party U.S. Senate Debate — 6 Comments

  1. This is a much better article than the duopoly centric article the AP wrote which only focused on Schmitt not being there and ignored anything Dine and Venable said. The GOP might as well have two candidates in that race because Venable sounds exactly like a Trump Republican. I like Dine’s answer to the question concerning the status of US “democracy”.

  2. @Joshua H. That’s basically what the Constitution Party is… Trump Republicans. Nationalist-leaning Christian Democrats. Trump just saw a large enough faction in the GOP with that same ideology and went for making that the dominate faction instead of trying for a third-party run. It’s basically turned the GOP into the Constitution Party, leaving the Constitution Party to rot away. It might be, in part, why Trump hasn’t endorsed anyone in this race.

  3. I wish the Republican Party was like the Constitution Party. They’d end the Federal Reserve System and the income tax.

  4. @Andy…. Many in the Trump wing want to…. The other factions don’t…. Thus not enough votes… according to 538 close to 130 MAGA Republicans are in safe house races this year….. more than half the party when it comes to typical house seat numbers. They may be able to control who is speaker or minority leader.

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