Proposed Constitutional Amendment Introduced in Congress for the Right to Vote

On September 21, Congressman Mark Pocan (D-Wisconsin) reintroduced his proposed constitutional amendment. It has 22 co-sponsors. It says, “Section One: Every citizen of the United States, who is of legal voting age, shall have the fundamental right to vote in any public election in the jurisdiction in which the citizen resides. Section Two: Congress shall have the power to enforce and implement this article by appropriate legislation.”

He has introduced it in past sessions of Congress. It doesn’t have a bill number yet. Thanks to Fairvote for this news.


Proposed Constitutional Amendment Introduced in Congress for the Right to Vote — 14 Comments

  1. It’s unlikely it will be ratified; it would take a two-thirds vote in the affirmative in each house of Congress then approval by 3/4 of the states (38 out of 50).

  2. This essentially means Federal control of elections, another blow to both the Ninth and Tenth amendments.

  3. What is wrong with federal control of federal elections? No other nation in the world, except Switzerland, lacks national election laws to administer national elections. The U.S. already has federal control of campaign finance law for national elections. The Tenth Amendment does not apply, because Article One gives congress the right to pass election laws relating to congressional elections.

  4. Not surprised Richard Winger supports more federal control since he is a communist and loves Adolf Biden.

  5. What we really need is more and better choices on the ballot so that the right to vote means something.

  6. Richard, are you really surprised people who think communism is when Democrats do things are being crybabies? These people are just mad their chosen dictator lost the election. Ignore them.

    The real shame of this amendment is that it doesn’t set national ballot access standards for federal offices. It is preposterous that candidates running for a federal office like president or senator have to navigate a maze of state laws. Even if the national ballot access laws were harsh, and I’d hope they wouldn’t be, at least all parties would be on a level playing field.

    At the end of the day this particular amendment does little but codify what should already be an axiom, if the Republican Party weren’t so blatantly authoritarian and undemocratic.

  7. “Section Two: Congress shall have the power to enforce and implement this article by appropriate legislation.”
    Does that remove the Courts from any jurisdiction over elections? Who will “implement” this legislation – an Executive Branch agency?
    This is will not enable voters to roll back the fascist police state.
    A constitutional amendment is unnecessary. Congress already has the power to mandate an open all write-in ballot for all federal elections with voter verification by encrypted receipt. This writer call such a ballot the Liberty Ballot which effectively abolishes ballot access censorship laws. It would restore ownership of ballot content to each individual voter with verification as the means for the voter to enforce their property right.

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