Unity Party Removes Itself from the List of Florida Qualified Parties

The Unity Party, which attained qualified status in Florida earlier in 2021, has voluntarily removed itself from qualified status in Florida. The demands of filing several complicated campaign finance reports several times a year was judged by the party to not be worth the benefits of being on the ballot.


Unity Party Removes Itself from the List of Florida Qualified Parties — 12 Comments

  1. Another victim of campaign finance laws. My advice is to hire an accountant. It doesn’t cost that much and it’s worth it to get the job done right. If you can’t afford an accountant than you’re probably just filing “zero” reports anyway.

  2. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2022/10/12/anthony-kyles-exoneration-murder-pontiac-arson/69558952007/

    Murder convictions overturned, Michigan man released after 25 years behind bars

    ELISHA ANDERSON   Detroit Free Press

    Hours after being released from prison, Anthony Kyles visited his mother’s grave.
    “I’m home,” he said.
    His mother died in 2005 while Kyles was serving a life sentence for a house fire in Pontiac that killed four people. The following year, his father died.
    This year, the Conviction Integrity Unit at the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office reviewed Kyles’ case and determined he was wrongfully convicted.
    Kyles, who spent nearly 25 years in prison for murder, was freed Wednesday afternoon from the Carson City Correctional Facility.
    ANY ***innocent*** trolls / morons in a lifer jail rotting away ???

  3. Determined he was wrongfully convicted? Why should we believe them more than the detectives who investigated the case, the prosecutors who presented it, the jury which heard and judged it, and most likely multiple expert witnesses, lab techs etc?

  4. I roll my eyes at this.

    Third parties need to be differentiated.

    3rd parties-truly national minor political parties that make efforts almost everywhere at least for ballot access and routinely have downballot political candidates (at present: Libertarians, Greens, Constitution)

    4th parties-have some level of organization and put forth an effort, they run candidates, exist in multiple states but it can be hit-and-miss, would not be confused with the first class (for example, Alliance, Socialist Workers, American Solidarity)

    -5th parties-paper entities, vanity vehicles, parties that act national for president but don’t exist beyond one state, give up ballot access when presented with “you have these things called campaign finance forms”

  5. That’s right. They are not, at least in Florida. They are acknowledging that they’re not. Problem solved and move on.

  6. Excessive campaign finance reporting requirements are another entry barrier for candidates, and another hidden form of voter suppression because it has the effect of discouraging new parties and candidates from running, thereby reducing voters’ choices.

    In fact, when I consider how often elected official in my own state, Massachusetts, get tripped up by “misfiled” campaign reports, I begin to suspect that most major party candidates’ campaign finance reports are imaginative novels.

  7. “Several” is quarterly, in which contributions and expenditures are reported. I doubt that requires a CPA.

    When the Florida SOS tried to communicate with the party, the mail came back as non-deliverable. When the party made an official request to dissolve, it appears to have come from Colorado.

    The hardest part for some parties is that they have to have $500 in annual contributions or expenditures.

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