Arizona Libertarian U.S. Senate Nominee Asks Voters to Vote for the Republican Nominee

On November 1, Marc Victor, the Libertarian nominee for U.S. Senate from Arizona, asked voters to vote for Blake Masters, his Republican opponent. Victor remains on the ballot and a great many votes have already been cast. UPDATE: former Congressman Justin Amash says that he himself, as a Libertarian, disagrees with Victor’s decision. See here.

FURTHER UPDATE: see this Reason article.

Victor said he asked both the Democratic nominee, incumbent Mark Kelly, and Masters, to discuss public issues on a 30-minute zoom call that would be broadcast. Apparently Senator Kelly did not accept, but Masters did. Here is a link to the Victor website, which has a link to his discussion with Masters. Masters did not agree to support the legalization of marijuana; he said it should be a matter of state law. Masters would not outlaw putting a monument to the Ten Commandments on public property. But Victor overlooked both points of disagreement and endorsed Masters.


Arizona Libertarian U.S. Senate Nominee Asks Voters to Vote for the Republican Nominee — 8 Comments

  1. This is a real shame. It just reinforces the prevailing media viewpoint that the Libertarian Party is the Triple-A affiliate of the Republican Party.

  2. Won’t matter, all he would have gotten is the protest vote anyway… which he’ll still get.

  3. One noteworthy point:

    A lot of votes have already been cast. If Arizona had ranked choice voting, anyone who had already cast a vote for Victor could have had their second votes counted instead.

    So, we see that, with early voting becoming the norm, there needs to be some way of counting the votes that had been cast for a candidate who withdraws before the final votes are cast. Ranked choice, or approval, voting are ways to handle this.

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