Pennsylvania Undated Postal Ballot Issue Returns to Federal Court

On November 4, some Pennsylvania voting rights groups filed a new lawsuit over the issue of undated postal ballots. Although the State Supreme Court recently ruled that state law requires that undated postal ballots must not be counted, the issue of whether federal law requires a different result is still undecided. The case against the date requirement is the federal civil rights “materiality” law, which says that votes cannot be disqualified for reasons that are not material to whether the vote is an honest ballot.

The Pennsylvania law seems meaningless because all returned postal ballots are date-stamped by the elections office when they are received.

The new case is Pennsylvania State Conference of NAACP v Chapman, w.d., 1:22cv-339. The case is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Susan P. Baxter, a Trump appointee. Here is the Complaint. Thanks to Democracy Docket for the link. This case will move very fast.


Pennsylvania Undated Postal Ballot Issue Returns to Federal Court — 42 Comments

  1. Thank God for Trump appointees, especially on the Supreme Court. The evil satanic left will ultimately lose on this case in federal court as well and the new Senate GOP majority will be even bigger and stronger, along with the House. Then Trump will win again in 2024, but this time they won’t be able to cheat Him out of it. Then we will get many more Trump appointees. This time Trump knows how to drain the swamp! Last time was about figuring it out. It will be glorious. Hide and watch.

  2. I despise stupid and harsh ballot access laws; but, I despise stupid voters even more. Read the instructions ding-a lings. Slow down. Do it right.

  3. But you don’t have to date a normal envelope, right? So, kind of unusual that you’d have to date these ones.

    Also in 2020 when lots of people were doing absentee ballots, we didn’t mail them, my state set up special ballot drop boxes instead. I forget what exactly we had to do with the envelopes then.

  4. Yes, I agree. The ballots without dates must be rejected like the dateless loser rejects that they actually are. Losers must be punished and dealt with very harshly to teach everyone to try harder not to be a loser.

  5. Duke, Big Daddy, Louis, Tim, Ken and Bob, all make good points. It sounds like most of the reader’s and commentators here do not agree with the managements pro-cheat bias. Maybe the manager should be more responsive, to the demands of the public, and switch sides here.

  6. Maybe they did, but somehow forgot later? Perhaps they should all be rounded up for remedial education.

  7. If you were designing a remedial education program for leftists, what would it consist of and how would it be conducted? This is a general question, for all of you. I would be interested in hearing different answers from different people here. Thank you all in advance.

  8. I believe Pennsylvania is the only state that asks for a date on a voted absentee outer envelope. If anyone thinks a date is so important, why not seek the same requirement in all the other 49 states?

  9. Obviously it should be required in every state, but that doesn’t really answer my question. What is the best way to reeducate and rehabilitate leftists en masse after we round them up? Is it even worth the effort? Or, are they beyond rehabilitation? Would it be more compassionate to quarantine them or to euthanize them all? If we keep them quarantined, is it possible to make them work and pay for the costs of their maintenance or are too many of them just too lazy to work under any circumstances?

  10. Those are good and important questions, Max. I am thinking about them, but afraid I don’t have any good answers to them yet. I too am curious as to what others here think, and will share any thoughts I come up with on these vital questions.

  11. The methods for reeducation of recalcitrant population’s are no mystery. Sheriff Joe Arpaio applied them to criminals in the Phoenix area, the Chinese are doing it now to the Uyghurs, there was the denazification program in Germany after WWII, camps for drug addiction treatment and troubled teens, deprogramming of former cult members, and many other frequently successful examples. We can apply what has been shown to work to the leftists after we round them all up and quarantine them.

    I don’t believe we should exterminate all of them, or even most of them. Successfully rehabilitated leftists can be, I believe, released into the general population with ankle monitors, face tattoos for easy identification, and probation officers checking in on them. They should be allowed to hold low paying menial jobs and required to do humiliating community service.i

    If they relapse they should be sent back to quarantine on a three strikes and you’re dog food basis. While quarantined, the most recalcitrant among them should be euthanized in full view of the others, so as to provide additional needed incentive for successful rehabilitation. As for whether they will work, whipping is one of the best known ways to incentivize that.

    It is important that they be subjected to constantly piped in conservative commentary, long work hours, individual and group therapy sessions, and frequent group mandatory chanting of slogans. With time, I believe genuine progress can be made with most leftists. It is true, I am generally an optimist by nature.

  12. I like the face tattoo idea. My suggestion would be a big L for leftist (or loser) on their foreheads.

  13. Personally I think a long forced march would be the best solution. Give the leftists the part of Alaska that is above the Arctic circle. Put them to work in the oilfields. The laziest and weakest ones won’t survive the march up there. The ones who refuse to work will die of starvation, disease and freezing cold.

    Of course, they will have to march across Canada. But I don’t see a problem with that. The Canadians are completely dependent on trade with the US. I am of the opinion that we won’t even have to threaten to invade, much less nuke them. The simple but credible threat of a trade embargo would doubtless be enough to make the Canadians accommodate and not interfere with the forced march of America’s leftist losers across their territory to the frozen punishment zone of Northern Alaska.

  14. Dr. Oz is not the best candidate the GOP could have run but I’m still looking forward to watching him whip the mentally damaged commie extremist Fetterman like a bad puppy who crapped on the carpet yet again. Doug Mastriano will be an excellent governor. I’m loving it. Roll red wave roll nationwide!

  15. Geaux Tigre Geaux!

    I too am looking to a glorious Republican tsunami on Tuesday, in 2024 and beyond. But, I object to giving in to the false commie deception that Republicans are the red team. That came along only after the disputed election of 2000, when lame stream commie-luciferian fake news tv networks took to showing the Republican states in red and the Demon Crap states in blue.

    This was a deliberate deception to sow confusion by agents of global communism and the new world order illuminati luciferianism which lies behind it. Communism has always been red, and stood for blood sacrifice of the masses to Lucifer. Rothschild means red shield along with the fake star of David which is actually the star of Lucifer. Red has always been the color of the sinister left and the red devils and demons, and was always used to represent the leftist demon Crap states on election maps before 2000. The Republicans were always true blue, standing for loyalty, patriotism, and the blue blood of natural elites. Painting the GOP as red was a master stroke of communist propaganda, trying to not make it too obvious that the Demon Rats are commie. It’s obvious enough as it is. Don’t fall for or play into their luciferian deception.

  16. Jackson,

    You do realize you are talking about tens of millions of leftist losers, don’t you? Don’t get me wrong, I as much as you or the next guy don’t want to waste taxpayer money providing them with food, clothing, tents, medicine, etc, on their march north to Alaska. Let them fend for themselves, eat those who don’t make it, and see how many arrive at their destination. All well and good.

    But, my gut tells me that would still be far too many leftist losers for the Arctic regions of Alaska to support, or to put to productive work in the oil fields. But I’m not just here to whine and nitpick, I have a proposed solution. Hear me out.

    I say we keep right on marching them over the Bering strait into Siberia, with President Putin’s agreement of course. Do it in winter so they don’t all fall through the ice. There is much more land in northern Siberia than northern Alaska, and the Russians have a lot more experience with running correctional camps and colonies in the frozen north.

    I believe President Putin will see the benefits of putting American leftist losers to work for extracting natural resources and manufacturing goods for his righteous war efforts within a strict correctional colony regime in the frozen tundra.

    Please consider this a friendly amendment to your proposal.

  17. While I do not have anything original to add yet. I too am impressed by the many excellent contributions here. Please keep them coming in the name of Jesus.

  18. Mr. Winger, you make an excellent point. However, with states governing and implementing their own ballot access and voting rules the federal govt can’t make it uniform all over. Sometimes I wonder if it would be better to have uniformed laws regrading ballot access and voting across the USA and take it out of the hands of the states. Hmm.

  19. Switzerland and the US are the only nations in the world, in which the subdivisions of the nation write the election laws for national elections. It seems clear to me that every country ought to have a uniform system of election laws and procedures for the national elections. Brazil certainly handles its presidential elections better than the U.S.

  20. Winger wants more federal government in our lives. Libertarian my ass, Winger is a communist.

  21. I’m not the only person who wants more federal government control over federal elections. Congressman Ron Paul four times introduced a bill in congress to set a federal ballot access ceiling on petition requirements.

    The U.S. and Switzerland are the only nations in the world in which the rules for national elections are set by the various subdivisions of that nation. That is an absurd policy. For federal office, there should be federal election laws, so that the procedures are the same all across the nation. If only we were as capable at doing that as, for example, Brazil, which just held a very successful election with uniform procedures and vote-counting machines all across the nation.l

  22. Notice how Richard Winger doesn’t deny being a communist. No wonder he loves communist Brazil.

  23. I despise any and all election fraud. I passionately want elections to be honest, fair, and I hate any type of cheating.

  24. The Brazil election was stolen from Bolsonaro. Hopefully the Army will declare marshall law and keep him in power. Why would anyone who doesn’t like election fraud hold up a fraudulent election as a good example?

  25. Yet Richard Winger has openly supported ballot harvesting and sending all addresses ballots without asking or verifying.

  26. Switzerland and Pennsylvania maybe unique in some respects, but so what? It reminds me of the famous picture of one guy not giving a Nazi salute in the middle of a crowd of people all sieg heiling. Sometimes the one who stands out from the crowd is right. If Pennsylvania is indeed unique in requiring envelopes to have dates, and if Switzerland is unique in not having totally federalized elections so what? They are both right on these issues even if everyone else is wrong. Everyone is doing it is never a good excuse. Who disagrees?

  27. @Ben,

    France does not have mail ballots. On election day, voters go to their local polling place, go to a privacy booth, fill out the ballot, place it in an envelope, and deposit the ballot in a transparent box. At the end of election day, the ballots are counted.

    This is efficient since France holds its runoff election a week later. Compare to the US where so-called instant runoff elections can take months to resolve.

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