Dr. Eric Ostermeier Notes that Libertarians Set Percentage Records for Gubernatorial Nominees in Seven States

Dr. Eric Ostermeier, at his Smart Politics blog, here notes that the Libertarian Party set a new record for its gubernatorial nominee in seven states.


Dr. Eric Ostermeier Notes that Libertarians Set Percentage Records for Gubernatorial Nominees in Seven States — 6 Comments

  1. A fine analysis and report of this trend. Congratulations to the Libertarian Party and its candidates setting these records.

  2. Are these being reported anywhere on the party’s website?

    I don’t see where they are posted.

  3. They don’t care about elections anymore, only owning the libs on social media. The party has been taken over by a troll army that actually managed to get out from behind their screens long enough to show up to enough physical meetings to make that happen.

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