Arizona Has Never Elected an Independent Candidate to Congress or to the State Legislature

Arizona has never elected an independent or minor party candidate to any statewide office, to congress, or even to the state legislature. It is one of only two states for which that is true. The only other such state is Hawaii. However, both Arizona and Hawaii elected such candidates to their territorial legislatures in the nineteenth century.

Arizona once had an independent state legislator, Sylvia Laughter, who had been elected as a Democrat but who had switched to independent status in 2003. However, when she ran for re-election as an independent in 2004, she lost to a Democrat.

On December 9, U.S. Senator Krysten Sinema switched from being a Democrat, to being an independent. On December 15 she filed an FEC notice that she intends to run for re-election as an independent in 2024.

She will need approximately 45,000 valid signatures, due in May 2024, to run for re-election as an independent. The formula is 3% of the number of registered voters who are not registered into a qualified party. The number is constantly changing and no one can know the exact requirement until spring 2024.


Arizona Has Never Elected an Independent Candidate to Congress or to the State Legislature — 4 Comments

  1. Arizona has never elected an independent candidate to congress or the state legislature, for a very good reason. No one wants a wishy washy congressman or state rep. The crowd in the middle, who can’t pick a side and try to have the best of both worlds, are loud, obnoxious, and not use for much else. Arizona is smart to have never elected a useless crazy!

  2. Royciphus maybe leftist scum but he’s right on this point. The only thing in the middle of the road is cowardly yellow stripes and dead armadillo’s. All centrists should be counted as enemy and shot on site or fed alive to starving hogs. The only good independent is an American Independent and these days those of us who stood firm with White Pride for George Wallace are hardcore Trump Republicans!!

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