North Carolina Supreme Court Reaffirms Finding that State Constitution Prohibits Partisan Gerrymanders

On December 16, the North Carolina Supreme Court again ruled that partisan gerrymandering is banned by the state constitution, which says elections shall be “free and equal.” Here is the 130-page ruling in Harper v Hall, 2022-NCSC-121. The vote was 4-3, with Democrats in the majority and Republicans in the minority.

The decision says the trial court did not do a good job of redrawing the State Senate districts, but that it did a good job on the U.S. House and state house districts. Thanks to How Appealing for the link.


North Carolina Supreme Court Reaffirms Finding that State Constitution Prohibits Partisan Gerrymanders — 12 Comments

  1. IMO, not allowing voters to cast write in votes, nor in providing a consistent rule for their tabulation, constitutes an abridgement of the right to vote under the 14th Amendment, and states that disallow, or disregard write in votes, ought to be deprived of Representation in proportion of the number of blank and void votes cast for Reps in Congress.

  2. Absolute garbage decision. The districts need to favor GOP. There can be no “fair play” with the satanic leftist enemy. They only use rules when it suits them and break them all the time. We need to fight fire with fire.
    This is war, not a game. Total final war to the finish. Take no prisoners. The only rule is to win.

  3. It would be ironic if the US Supreme Court ruled that a state supreme court isn’t the best judge of its own state’s constitution.

  4. Trump should declare himself to be the ultimate tribune, above the supreme court, when he is back in office. Andrew Jackson did that and became our greatest President ever. Trump was the best since then, but can and will become even better than Andrew Jackson during the upcoming second term.

  5. Max’s suggestion of trying to gerrymander districts to be more in favor of the GOP would basically turn the state into a one-party dictatorship just like how the Democrats ran the state through most of its history. The negative consequences of gerrymandering made by our state legislature throughout our history have made it clear that it is hopeless to change the system from within. There’s a reason why unaffiliated voters became the largest demographic in 2022, and growing at a faster rate than Democrats or Republicans.

  6. Unaffiliated voters are primarily negative partisans who are embarrassed of the duopoly party they hate least but terrified of the duopoly party they hate most. That fear and loathing causes them to view extreme partisan advantage seeking through gerrymandering, curtailed ballot access and other such means either positively or at least as excusable. It looks here like back in December Max favored a Republican dictatorship, or perhaps effectively if not de jure outlawing anything to the left of the Republicans. He has since then evolved his thinking, as I understand it, to favor a new and more radical proposal involving one precinct parties and precinct sovereignty outside of national defense.

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