Pennsylvania Borough Official Changes Registration from Republican to Libertarian

On December 12, Joe Adams, a Borough Councilmember in Penndel Borough, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, said he has changed his voter registration from Republican to Libertarian. His office is partisan and is up in 2023.

Penndel Borough has a population of 2,515.


Pennsylvania Borough Official Changes Registration from Republican to Libertarian — 16 Comments

  1. I’m the first one and a hardcore Trump Republican now but ready to be independent again if the rhino sellout scum take the GOP back. But I don’t think they will. Huge huge fan of President Trump, President Putin, and KKK all the way here!

  2. Also big ups to the Mises Caucus and the Hoppe Caucus and the Invictus Caucus in the LP!! Making Libertarians Right Again!!!

  3. Life long Florida Georgia line resident not a Yankee snowbird or boat trash washed up on shore invader!!!

  4. Grandma got run over by an illegal
    That snuck across the border Christmas Eve
    You can say diversity makes us stronger
    But me and grandpa say brown skin burns real fast

  5. Grandma got run over by an illegal

    That snuck across the border Christmas Eve

    You can claim diversity makes us stronger

    But me and grandpa and the charred wetback disagree

  6. BLM and ANTIFA are hero organizations!! I’m stupid for ever saying I love trump, and I’m a fag for claiming KKK all the way!

  7. Hey fake Max (last two comments) are you Arden or Will Klatt or Robber K. Stuck or Cyberian Pig?

  8. Either way you are either a Jew or a self hating White, right? Is that why you prefer to be the submissive homosexual partner of angry hateful negroes?

  9. I hope you don’t pretend to be a heterosexual long enough to have a wife and children. Because if you do, you seem like the type who will masturbate while they are raped by rampaging angry black bucks in a race riot.

  10. Either way that is the attitude you take towards all the White women and children in this country and globally. White genocide / great replacement sounds like it’s your biggest sexual fantasy.

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