Afroman, an Ohio rapper whose name was formerly Joseph Foreman, has said he intends to be an independent presidential candidate in 2024. See this story. Thanks to Mark Elworth for this news.
Afroman, an Ohio rapper whose name was formerly Joseph Foreman, has said he intends to be an independent presidential candidate in 2024. See this story. Thanks to Mark Elworth for this news.
If Trump wasn’t running I might change my name to Aryanman and run too.
If Afroman runs for President, will he forget to fill out his filing paperwork because he got high?
Afroman: Because I Got High
I was going to run for office, but then I got high
I was going to file with the FEC, but then I got high
Now I’m Darryl Perry
and I know why
Because I got high
Because I got high
Because I got high
He should go for the Green Party nomination.
Did he become a fat commie slob like Darryl Perry?
He’s more like a libertarian. But he did get old and fat. I like his positive remix of “because I got high,” look for it on utube or whatever. Another good one he has is “play me some music,” and the aforementioned “old and fat.” His song “one hit wonder” cleverly mentions the titles of many of his older songs, most of which I also like.
Afroman now lives in the woods of Oak Grove, Mississippi, not Ohio as stated in the OP, is still legally named Joseph Foreman to my knowledge. In recent years he is best known for slapping a ho who refused to get off his nuts while he was on stage. I’m looking forward to seeing both Ye and Afroman on the ballot in 2024. Ye is better known, but I think Afroman is a better rapper, and hopefully a better candidate.
I also hope that Afroman will use a party name that reflects his lifelong membership in the 83 Gangster Crips in those states where it is easier to qualify as a party. That would be crazy dope, son. Word to yo mama.
Here is something I can imagine Afroman singing about collecting petition signatures for ballot access.
I was going to petition signatures, but then I got high.
I was going to ask people to sign to get me on the ballot, but then I got high.
Now it is past the deadline and I don’t have enough signatures for ballot access, but I know why.
Because I got high.
Because I got high.
Because I got high.
I was going to get petition signatures.
Is “Euroasian Afrofan” Paul Frankel?
I assume Eurasian Afrofan is Paul Frankel based on writing style.
From the linked article, Afroman’s platform:
1. Decriminalization of cannabis
2. Criminal justice reform
3. Law enforcement reform
4. Immediate halt of all foreign aid
5. Reparations for African Americans
6. Promotion of unity, peace and love
7. Promotion of celebratory displays in professional sports
8. Legalization of prostitution
IMO 4 is the best and 5 is the worst.
I imagine that Paul is not happy with Kanye West now.
We are becoming more and more like the Philippines, where it is common for celebrities to run for high public office. Even worse, their celebrity candidates are more attractive and interesting than ours.
Why would a Zionist agent be unhappy with Ye? Israel is once again facing a demographic precipice where Israeli Arabs will outbreed and outnumber Israeli Jews, not even counting the Arabs in the occupied territories, thus forcing Israel to either stop pretending to be a democracy, which would leave it with no foreign allies, or become another majority Arab nation and stop being a haven for Jews.
That is a choice which the Elders of Zion are eager to forestall as long as possible. The last time Israel faced this demographic cliff, the Elders of Zion and their globalist partners were forced to temporarily dissolve the Soviet Union, which is just now starting to come back together again. And Israel only gathered critical mass on its course to creation as a nation when fascist Zionists and globalist Hebraic banksters helped create and sponsor the Third Reich.
Today, there are relatively few Jews left in any nation other than the United States and Israel. Thus, even if almost none of them would admit it openly, Zionists must be cheering and sponsoring American antisemites such as Ye.
Put yourself in the place of the Elders of Zion. How would you head off Israel’s demographic problem? You probably couldn’t get away with anything as bad for your public relations as total genocide or mass expulsion of all Palestinians. It’s doubtful you could do very much to increase the birth rate of Israeli Jews other than the ultraorthodox, or to decrease the birth rate of Israeli Palestinians. What other choice would you have other than to secretly help maximize and empower antisemitism in the USA? It’s the only thing which has historically accelerated emigration of Jews from former Soviet Republics, Europe, the Islamosphere etc into Palestine/Israel. Now, there are no other nation except the USA with enough Jews to import to save Israel’s bacon, so to speak. Thus, Ye for President.
Who sponsored Ye in his music and business careers? Zionist Jews. Who’s behind his foray into politics? Think it through. Do you have a better theory???
Shush still! We’re not supposed to let the goyim know!!!
I was going to move to Taba in the Sinai but then I got high. I was going to fight for Greater Israel but then I got high…
I was going to go to convention, but then I got high
I was going to educate everyone about PLAS, but then I got high
Now I’m jacking off
and I know why
Because I got high
Because I got high
Because I got high
You all should check this out if you are not familiar with it yet:
Thanks Paulie.
Here’s your version:
I was going to troll IPR, but then I got high
I was going to censor some comments too, but then I got high
Now cyberpig lost all access
and I know why
Because I got high
Because I got high
Because I got high
Fact Checker, sorry, I don’t know who you are talking about. He must not be much of a writer if his style resembles what I write half awake while sitting atop a porcelain bowl.
As far as Mr. Foreman’s eight platform points, I don’t see anything to disagree with other than reparations. I can see a case for reparations as restorative justice, but I don’t see any way to implement them without creating further injustice for big government to overcorrect for in the future. And I don’t trust government not to screw it up even if it was a good idea.
I actually believe reparations have already happened through affirmative discrimination, quotas, welfare, etc. If anything, the scales are now tilted too far in the direction of white genocide. I decided to have a vasectomy due to the precipitous decline of the white population globally and in all the White nations of the world. I’m not white enough to reproduce, in my own personal opinion. I’m glad that is a personal choice though as opposed to being forced one way or the other by law.
The same should be said of reparations; if you are not black and believe they should get reparations, you should pay them and encourage other nonblacks to do the same. Likewise you should pay white’s if you are not white and think they should get reparations. The same holds true for all the other races and groups of people.
Despite this one point of disagreement, I am impressed and encouraged that I agree with 7 of 8 points. That is easily enough for me. I hope other people here agree with me on that. The only way you could have a candidate you agree with on everything is if you run yourself. But Afroman is still the dopest, sickest brotha to ever run for POTUS and that, is good enough for me!!!
Cyberpig must be a real degenerate. It’s probably a good thing that he is no longer taken seriously by anyone. Taking political views seriously is not good for him, you or anyone else. Trolling may be a waste of time and energy but it’s still not as bad as the moral lepers who are actually serious about their political views, spurring them to action. Invariably, no matter how good their intentions, they just make things worse and lose their moral compass in the process. We’re all lucky when such people give up in frustration and become too cynical to remain politically active or at least turn out to be chronically unpopular and incompetent.
Andy’s version at 1:33-4 don’t flow. Try reading it out loud to see what I mean. If Andy is an aspiring rapper he really needs to keep his day job. His rapping name should probably be Vanilla Square. He wouldn’t know fresh lyrics and a dope beat if they ran him over with a bulldozer and then backed that thang up. I mean, I ain’t hating on a cracka, but if he wants to be a rapper, mumble rap is probably the biggest godsend that ever came his way. I have better raps come out of my beehind after eating to many beans than that weak, lame wannabe rap he wrote above. I hope I’m not belaboring the point too much but damn that do do done did not do.
Should read,
Dat do do dun did not do doh.
Word to your great grandmother..
And what is your version, other people’s version
Ricky Smiley should run for president. I’m just saying. Look him up on JooTube. Beaufort Magoo is the hottest sh!t ever!!!!
I was going to cross the border, but then I got high
I was going to do it the legal way too, but then I got high
Now I’m sucking this coyote off
and I know why
Because I got high
Because I got high
Because I got high
I’m a 50 year old virgin and life passed me by. Why oh why did I just let life pass me by?
I was going to try it with women but life passed me by. I was going to be a millionaire first and life passed me by. I waste my life on politics, so I know why, life keeps on passing me by and by and by. Bi and bye!
I was going to have gay sex, so I got high. I was going to give analingus too, so I got high. I did what I was going to do, and now you know why. I’ll keep doing them same dam thangs because I stay high!!!
*on meth
* got tweaked…stay tweaked
I was going to be a rapper, but dam I be white. I was going to be a pimp, but dam I be white. I got no flow, no ho and no dough…but it’s all right
Because I’m alt right…
Because I’m real White…
Because I’m a White…
The Fox Snooze story linked in OP does not claim that Joseph Foreman changed his name to Afroman. It says he was born Joseph Foreman, and proceeds to refer to him as Foreman throughout the rest of the article. Afroman is a stage name/nom de plume. I see no claim and zero evidence that he has made it his legal name or has any such intentions.
I also failed to find any claim that he has moved to Ohio or ever lived there. He’s from Mississippi, moved as a child first to South Central Los Angeles and later Palmdale, a Los Angeles suburb. After his tapes and CDs failed to sell he thought what the hell, and moved back to Mississippi to grow pot like a hippie. He says on the track Party in the Woods with Chad Mac that his country fans from the woods of Oak Grove helped him take the crack off the stove.
Shawn Farash did a hilarious version of the song relating to Hunter Biden.
The Biden’s are a very disgusting, sick and perverted criminal family. I would not be surprised in the least if they are demons sent straight from the bowels of hell or reptilian space aliens wearing human disguises.
You forget to mention that the Legal Marijuana NOW Party is placing him on both our NE and MN primary ballots. We do also plan to run other “high quality” candidates in our primary soon to be announced.
-Mark Elworth Jr, State Chair, LMN Party Nebraska
Mark, are you on Twitter?
The only social media that anyone should even consider getting is Truth Social because it is owned by Trump. Social media is a satanic disease. If any of your devices are infected with social media, most especially the red China spy app tik tok, you should perform a full blown exorcism on yourself and all your devices straight away with no delay.
I also highly recommend removing anything and everything connected in any way to Google which is another devil worshiper satanist company. A great guide for websites and social media to keep off your devices and stay away from in general are those which are banned by law in Russian Federation. This includes Facebook, Twitter and Instagram among others.
Fix Snooze and Eurasian Afrofan are wrong about at least one thing: Afroman is indeed now an Ohio resident. See
It appears though that they are correct; his name is still Joseph Edgar Foreman and he is 48 years old. I don’t consider that to be old, contra claims above that he got old and fat. The fat part may be true though! The most recent video’s I have seen show a visibly overweight Afroman!!
I am currently catching up on his 2022 album Lemon Pound Cake on YouTube!!!
I went to Afroman’s Twitter page and he’s groping some fat white woman’s titties.
Twitter sucks. You should be on his YouTube page. And good for him for groping some fat tittie’s of any and all colors.
I agree, utube>tw@tter!
That’s true. Also true that fascists and Nazis were and still are left wing, not right wing as we have been misled to believe.
I looked up this Afroman online. His bio says he is originally from California and only later moved to Mississippi. And I guess Ohio after that. His real name is still Foreman. Maybe he will consider legally changing it so that if he makes the ballot in states which require a legal name to appear on the ballot voters will recognize him under his better known stage name. Maybe not. I looked at his last few tweets. The best one was from May 9.
What’s in a name:
Donald: chief, ruler, master, ruler of the world, powerful, masculine
John: given by God, forgiven by God, grace of God
Trump: surpass, beat, win, overcome, triumph,
Senior: your daddy; honorable father; bow down.
So now you know why TRUMP is the ultimate winner! Thank GOD!
“The best one was from May 9.”
Some fat girl performing fellatio on him.
Now he’s even more like Darryl Perry in that we know what his dick looks like
Are you sure that was him? And not that I care to see it myself but how do you know what some other guy I never heard of (Perry)’s dick looks like? And why did you look, unless he flashed you or whatever? I actually did not watch any of the Twitter videos. I based my assessment of which tweet was the best solely based on the written words.
I was going to vote for Fro, but then I saw his dicc
I was going to send Fro money too, then I saw his dicc
Now I’m fingering my throat and feeling sicc
And my ***hole too,
Cuz I saw his dicc
I was going to get with chicks,
Then I saw his dicc
I just couldn’t look away,
When I saw that dicc
I swear that I’m not gay and I wouldn’t licc
But I saw his dicc,
I keep looking at that dicc,
Dicc, dicc, dicc, dicc
Never mind, I think it’s the same one that was posted at 4:02
Darryl confirmed on a Reddit Ask Me Anything in 2016 that he did indeed post an image of his penis on a fetish site called FetLife. It was well publicized on IPR at the time.
Whoever reported the URL shortener is an asshole.
That’s how I saw it and I was happy to see it because it made me feel better about mine since Darryl’s is smaller than mine.
Whatever. I was asking how you thought you knew that it was Fro’s penis in that video and not just some random video used to illustrate the excellent point he made in the text portion of that tweet, which was all I have seen and all I was referring to. I don’t know or care to know who Perry is or what his penis looks like.
I already know who Fro is. I don’t know or need to know what his penis looks like or whether that was his penis or some other dude’s that he was using to illustrate his point in the video attached to the tweet. My point was that he made a good point there and I stand by it. Whose penis was used to illustrate that point, or whether the chicken head talking with the cox in her mouth was fat, or whoever this Perry guy is, is besides the point. I don’t really care, do u?
Also if some chicken head was on her knees for me doing what chicken heads do best I really would care a lot more about whether she gives bomb head than whether she needs to go on a sperm only diet and spend more hours bouncing up and down to lose those extra pounds. I mean really at that point who cares, unless you either can’t produce enough man juice to feed the hungry chicken head beyotches in your life, or you have so many of them jocking you that you only have time for the pretty ones. I kinda doubt that applies to the gay plower, who is so busy looking at other dude’s meat and whether a gal is fat or not that he probably doesn’t have time to build up a stable of chicken heads who give super head.
Looking at guy’s junk and whether a chick is fat. That sounds like some stuff women and gays stay busy with ..
I agree with you guys. Gay plower/The flower/fart checker sounds gay. I agree with the may 9 tweet. I understand it without playing the video. Who cares whose penis was in the video or if the ho is fat? Only a homosexual would care about that kind of thing lol
I swear I’m not gay, I just look at dicks
I can’t ever look away, when I look at dicks
When I see sluts sucking, I care more if they’re fat
But it don’t make me homo, me thinking like that
I think it was Fro’s pecker, I saw Dan Perry’s too
And if I ever meet you, I’ll ask you and your crew
To whip out your weiners, but I’m super straight
Look, I’m not a homo; for them I got only hate
So if you ever see me, but don’t want to show your junk
Go the other way, especially if I’m drunk
Then I might reach for it, but still not be queer
But if I get on my knees and say, hey gimme here
Remember I’m a straight guy, I’m as straight as they come
And when guys come on and in me, well those guys are dumb
What’s in a name – you’re half right. Look up another meaning/etymology of Trump:
Fabricate, devise, cheat, deceive, mock, blow a horn, blow a trumpet, act a fool, false, concocted, waterspout, turn someone around
Rings more true about 45 than the other definition LoL
It also means playing or beating a drum, for whatever that may be worth.
I think the original definition that What’s in a name provided is more on point!!
Donald John Trump Sr:
World Ruler, Gift of God, Overcoming and Triumphant, Daddy
Now that’s the truth if I ever heard it!!!