Mainstream Media Article About Arizona Ballot Access for Independents is Wildly Inaccurate

This NBC News story about Kyrsten Sinema says that if she runs as an independent for U.S. Senate in 2024, “it’s a relatively low threshold as ballot access goes.” It says she would need 43,492 signatures, which is generally accurate, although not precisely so. The true number can’t be known until spring 2024, but the number in the story is close to what it probably will be.

The story goes wrong when it says Arizona has a “relatively low threshold”. The Arizona 2024 statewide independent petition requirement is the fifth largest number of signatures in the nation. The only states with a higher number are Georgia, New York, North Carolina, and Texas. Even Alabama and Indiana, two of the most severe states, require fewer than Arizona. Indiana requires 36,944 which is lower than in past years because of poor turnout in 2022.


Mainstream Media Article About Arizona Ballot Access for Independents is Wildly Inaccurate — 48 Comments

  1. 43,492 valid petition signatures for a statewide candidate in Arizona is NOT a relatively low threshold. It is actually difficult. They at least allow more time to gather signatures than New York does, but this is still far from being an easy requirement.

  2. Why do Indians have such strict ballot access? Is that why they always vote for Democrats?

  3. There’s a salmon-colored girl
    Who sets my heart a-whirl
    Who lives along the Yukon far away
    Where the northern lights they shine
    She rubs her nose to mine
    She cuddles close and I can hear her say

    Ooga ooga mooska
    Which means that I love you
    If you’ll be my baby
    I’ll ooga ooga mooska you
    Then I take her hand in mine (ooga ooga mooska)
    And set her on my knee (ooga ooga mooska)
    The squaws along the Yukon
    Are good enough for me

    She makes her underwear
    From the hides of grizzly bear
    And bathes in ice cold water every day
    Her skin I love to touch
    But I just can’t touch it much
    Because her fur-lined parka’s in the way

    Ooga ooga mooska
    Which means that I love you
    If you’ll be my baby
    I’ll ooga ooga mooska you
    Then I take her hand in mine (ooga ooga mooska)
    And set her on my knee (ooga ooga mooska)
    The squaws along the Yukon
    Are good enough for me

    She has the air corps down
    The sourdoughs hang around
    Chechakos try to date her night and day
    With a landing gear that’s fine
    And a fuselage divine
    And a smile that you can see a mile away

    Ooga ooga mooska
    Which means that I love you
    If you’ll be my baby
    I’ll ooga ooga mooska you
    Then I take her hand in mine (ooga ooga mooska)
    And set her on my knee (ooga ooga mooska)
    The squaws along the Yukon
    Are good enough for me

    Carry me back to old Alaska
    The squaws along the Yukon
    Are good enough for me

  4. Squaws Along the Yukon: Since this thread is about Arizona wouldn’t a better reference to Arizona Indians be,”The Ballad of Ira Hayes”?

  5. “Drunken Ira Hayes”? Wow Stock. Continuing to perpetuate that stereotype. That’s really low, even for you.

  6. You have completely missed the message of the song. I recommend the 1964 Johnny Cash album Bitter Tears. The entire album is a tribute to the First Nations of this Continent.

    But as always truth and accuracy mean nothing to you White Supremacist Nazi pieces of shit.

  7. Stock decided to post under his own name again instead of his many aliases. He’s still a racist and a retarded troll.h

  8. Joey: Not once have I ever commented using a pseudonym. I have only commented with my real name. Anyone saying different, like you, is a mother fucking liar.

  9. Jerry: Triggered my ass. I have always felt nothing but the most passionate hatred and disgust for you and your ilk. That is how I am 24/7. No trigger necessary, that is my default setting.

    I have not commented in a long time. I see nothing has changed and I know nothing ever will change at this site. This site is an example that freedom of speech should not be absolute.

    White Supremacist Christian Taliban Maga Republican bastards need to dealt with as harshly as possible. And with,as they say “extreme prejudice”

    I am thankful for Antifa. Punch a Nazi!

  10. Stock is spewing bullshit again. It’s obvious he never left, he posted under several names. Why did you decide to go back to your real name?

    Stock supports violence and terrorism. He just admitted it! What a worthless piece of shit. Focus on your scat porn and troll somewhere else.

  11. While editing my above comment I left out a word. It should read

    need to BE dealt with

    I apologize for the mistake.

    And as always: Fuck White Supremacist Christian Taliban Maga Republican bastards.

  12. You’re God Damned right I support violence. Violence is the only way to defend ourselves from the White Supremacist Christian Taliban Maga Republican bastards. It like a verse that I heard Pete Seeger sing years ago

    “Will you point a gun for your country?
    I answered the FBI yay
    I will point a gun for my country
    But I won’t guarantee you which way.

    Try and make me leave asshole!

  13. I am not doing a good job editing my posts. There should be an end quote after the word “way” of the Pete Seeger song.

  14. Stock needs to be in a mental institution. He has no clue what is going on. Could also be dementia like his hero Adolf Biden.

  15. Andy: You don’t need to worry about me ever going back to the Libertarian Party. I have turned my back on Capitalism. I am sorry it took me so long to change my mind.

  16. Biden is not my hero, but he is better than Donald Benito Mussolini Trump.

    Karl Marx, Eugene Debs, and Vladimir Lenin are my heroes.

  17. Stock finally admits he’s a communist. He also loves dictators who love to murder people.
    Did he get fired from Motel 6?

  18. I am still happily employed at the Motel 6. I have been there for 14 years now.

    I joined the Communist Party USA over a year ago.

    The number of deaths caused by Capitalist countries is pretty much equal to deaths caused by non Capitalist countries. It is an unfortunate fact of politics and always has been. Maybe that will change in the future, I doubt it.

  19. Stock just keeps adding to his list of memberships to fill the holes in his life. What’s next? NAMBLA?

  20. You mean the North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes?

    I’m sorry but I don’t qualify for NAMBLA membership and I am not in the slightest interested in what they do.

    What difference does it make about the number of organizations a person belongs to?

    I have a wide range of interests. At present I am a member of American Atheists, the Church of Satan, the ACLU,the Communist Party USA, and the Poor People’s Campaign.

    In the past I have been a member of the Mythopoeic Society, the Planetary Society, Amnesty International, the NAACP, Beer Drinkers of America, and a host of others. So what?

  21. I have in the past been a member of the League of the South and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. When I realized that my understanding of the Civil War and everything leading up to it was mistaken I quit both organizations.

    I was a devout Jehovah’s Witness and served in the full time ministry. Once I realized that the God or anything supernatural does not exist I ceased my association with the Watchtower.

    Again I ask, so what? I am 64 years old. I have lived an active life. I am sure that there will be many more organizations that I find interesting and will want to be a member of in the years to come.

  22. Titus: One of my great uncles was a Shriner. His name was Glynn Vassar. He was a charter member of the Las Vegas Shrine? Lodge?(I don’t know the proper name for a local group of Shriners).

  23. The number of deaths caused by communist countries is not the same, it’s much larger. They are and were also economic basket cases. Compare for example east and west Germany when they were separated or North and South Korea today. It sounds to me like you are just a contrarian who is now a communist purely for shock value.

  24. Bob: The death toll of Communist countries goes back only 100 years. Capitalist death tolls go back much farther. It was Capitalism that fueled the African Slave Trade, the genocide of the First Nations on this Continent, the Opium Wars in China, and the butchery in the Belgian Congo. The total of those deaths dwarf any 20th century Communist death toll.

    China and Vietnam are doing very well. They are not economic basket cases. Cuba would be extended successful if it were not for the US embargo.

    You have been misled by Cold War Propaganda to think otherwise. In every opinion poll done in Russia starting in 2004 66to 75 percent say they were better off during Communism compared to the present. The same is true of people living in the eastern part of Germany.

  25. ” It was Capitalism that fueled the African Slave Trade, the genocide of the First Nations on this Continent, the Opium Wars in China, and the butchery in the Belgian Congo.”

    Slavery is NOT an example of free market capitalism. Free markets don’t include slavery.

  26. Robert K. Stock said: “I joined the Communist Party USA over a year ago.”

    It looks like you finally found a home where you belong.

  27. To the extent that China and Vietnam are doing well it’s because they turned to capitalism. The extent to which they are still communist is why they are not doing even better. Hong Kong is better off economically than the rest of China because it was under capitalism until recently, including special discretion after first being reunited with China. Taiwan is better economically than the mainland.

  28. I was not misled by cold war propaganda. I spent several years in communist countries. Western propaganda about them was much more accurate than theirs about the west.

    Cuba is not a basket case because of the embargo. The embargo is just a convenient excuse for their economic failure.

  29. The measurements people use to gage success or failure in Capitalist countries is skewed. The amount of money or pile of stuff a person has is not a good indicator.

    If the vast majority of people have jobs, health care, housing, education and food, then I say they are better off than a Capitalist economy that benefits only the minority at the top.

    In the United States we have the freedom to be homeless, uneducated, and sick because the vast majority cannot afford to pay for those things. While the rich mock and sneer at us for being poor.

  30. Robert, how much time have you actually spent in communist countries? Ever actually been in one at all?

  31. Quality of jobs, housing, food, health care etc matters. The quality is very low in communist countries. At their worst, most communist phases, millions died of starvation. It’s a ridiculous exaggeration that the “vast majority” in the USA can’t afford these things. That is not even close to being true. The poor in America live a lifestyle that would be the envy of all but a tiny few living in commie hellholes.

  32. Andy: Tell the New England slave ship captains that they were not following Adam Smith’s ideas from the Wealth of Nations. Why did slavery end in the Northern States? Not because it was immoral. Because it was no longer profitable. But it still was profitable in the South so the New England slave ships kept sailing. That is Capitalism at it’s best.

  33. Capitalism and free market are not necessarily the same thing, which is why I make the distinction by saying free market capitalism.

    Ironically, the biggest slaves states are communist, like North Korea.

  34. Stock can’t defend his ridiculous opinions when they are challenged with actual facts and logic. If other commies are lurking maybe you could answer this: if communist countries were so great, why did millions of people risk their lives trying to flee them?

  35. Stock is easily brainwashed/manipulated into believing nonsense that makes him feel radical/contrarian. That’s why he first joined the Libertarians, and when that became too boring he joined the Satanist cult and now the Communist cult. What’s next? Cannibalism? Just eat some bath salts and you can be like that black guy in Florida. Have you chopped off your penis and balls yet and eaten them like that Oriental guy? Have you become Roberta yet? That’s what your future holds.

  36. Stock has no real ideology or values. He joins whatever he thinks is trendy, or wherever he thinks he can meet people because he’s so lonely. People realize he’s an asshole so they kick him out.

  37. Bob posted:

    “I was not misled by cold war propaganda. I spent several years in communist countries. Western propaganda about them was much more accurate than theirs about the west.

    “Cuba is not a basket case because of the embargo. The embargo is just a convenient excuse for their economic failure.”

    Exactly. And the Cuban refugees know it Why do you think most of them are Republicans?

    Which is why say I say, let the Cuba refugees in. And the refugees from Venezuela and Nicaragua, as well. They know the truth about communism and socialism.

  38. When they are not yet in power, communism seems like the perfect ideology to the losers, slackers and whiners of the world. Unfortunately for them when communists do get in power there is not much tolerance for them. The people that succeed under communist rule are bullies, thugs, sadists and manipulators. Unfortunately for the latter they are then the targets of others of their own ilk. Thus the gray faced Soviet man who clocks in and out every day, tries to always and everywhere blend in with the crowd, never achieves anything either good or bad that’s noticeable in any way, etc. Mediocrity in all things is his highest aspiration.

  39. Super Easy to be a looter of the income and assets of other folks.

    first commie – Cain — evil jealous of Abel and killed him and stole his property ???

    Mark of Cain — being a commie looter esp in East Asia.

    USA now full of commie regimes – CA, NY, IL, etc.

    Showdown in 2024 Prez election ???

    2016/2020 chaos mere setups ???

  40. I don’t understand your reference to East Asia. What’s special about them in this regard as opposed to, say, the Middle East or Africa etc?

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