New Hampshire Bill for a Closed Primary Loses in Committee

On January 17, the New Hampshire House Election Law Committee rejected HB 101, which would have converted New Hampshire primaries from semi-closed to closed. The bill would not have allowed anyone to choose a party primary unless the individual had joined the party at least four months before the primary. The bill lost 19-0.


New Hampshire Bill for a Closed Primary Loses in Committee — 2 Comments

  1. I have to point out that NH committees cannot kill bills. The bill will still go to the entire House for a vote.

    With a vote of 19-0, it will be placed on the Consent Calendar, where multiple bills are voted on at once. The House votes to accept the committees’ recommendations, whether the committee recommendations are Ought To Pass or Inexpedient To Legislate.

    Any House member can pull a bill from Consent so that it will be debated and voted on by itself. Overturning a committee recommendation is extremely rare, and I don’t expect this bill to be pulled from Consent.

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