Delaware Still Isn’t Tracking Number of Registrants in Either No Labels Party, Nor Forward Party

Delaware is the only state in which the only path for a group to become a qualified party is by gaining enough registered voters. The requirement is registration membership of one-tenth of 1% of the state total. The Elections Commission website keeps a monthly tally of how many registered voters there are, not only in the qualified parties, but in unqualified parties that have shown they have some members and are worth keeping track of. However, Delaware Elections Commission still doesn’t list any figures for either No Labels, nor Forward.

See the February 2023 tally here. The Green Party is making slow progress toward regaining its qualified status. In December 2022 it had 734 members; now it has 741. It probably needs at least 770, although the requirement is a moving target and can’t be known until January 1, 2024. The law the percentage base is the number of registered voters as of December 31, 2023.


Delaware Still Isn’t Tracking Number of Registrants in Either No Labels Party, Nor Forward Party — 2 Comments

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