Oklahoma Bill to Eliminate the Straight-Ticket Device

Oklahoma State Senator Mary Boren (D-Norman) has introduced SB 568. It would repeal the straight-ticket device. Oklahoma is one of only six states that still has the device. The others are Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and South Carolina.


Oklahoma Bill to Eliminate the Straight-Ticket Device — 24 Comments

  1. Every state should only have in-person, on the record, party only voting, with only one vote per election. Elections should be yearly and the winning party should choose it’s officeholders any way it sees fit and substitute them out as often as they want. There would be no split ticket voting and no government run or financed primaries.

    Laws should be simple, without the need for constant revision. They should be easy enough to memorize all of them without extraordinary skills or effort. They should be enforced by law enforcement officers who would also serve as judge, jury and executioner. These officers would be appointed by the winning party. They may or may not be the only officeholders the winning party would appoint. They would be paid with poll taxes. There would be no other taxes.


  3. Left wing phony max, why do you think the readers are interested in the size of your junk or lack thereof? Please, take that nonsense, and your pathetic and obvious impersonation attempts, to a more suitable venue. Likewise, please seek help both from Jesus and from competent mental health professionals.

  4. There is no intrinsic need for any printed or written ballot. Voters can stand and be counted.

  5. Why do you always speak to yourself and implausibly impersonate your betters, coward? Why are you obsessed with male genitalia? Satan will punish you for your terrible and failed attempts to serve and please him with the most humiliating and painful tortures he has had thousands of years to devise for time everlasting in hell.

  6. Why would a conqueror of the blood of conquerors who shed the their blood for the soil he is standing on kneel before a hashish head effeminate long haired homosexual Jew rabbi who taught and practiced surrender, and is now dead from suicide by Roman cop? What is the point of even having a penis at all if one is to follow your example and never marry or father children? You can’t cure anything and you should be rejected by all White Europeans. If you were not already dead, we ought to have nailed you to the cross yet again.

  7. Victor;

    I forgive you for your small penis too. Submit yourself to me and I shall love you.

  8. I’d rather kill you instead with my giant sword, because my giant godlike White penis is reserved for my wife and perhaps another wife to follow if I should outlive her. Now go away and stay dead before we crucify you again like we did the last time, jewboy.

  9. Victor Vasilyevich was born in Siberia, part of the former USSR in 1972 and the USA is reminding him more of the country his parents took him out of every day. Growing up in the epicenter of the 1980s crack cocaine explosion in NYC, Victor got caught up in the available business ventures and saw some of his friends die, and then became an activist against the drug war. Through his involvement in the drug peace movement, and college studies in free market environmentalism, he became interested in libertarianism, and abandoned the Democrats after they picked the military-industrial-corporate-statist DLCer and drug warrior hypocrite Bill Clinton as their nominee in 1992, thus finally disproving the idea that 1960s radicals were merely infiltrating the establishment in order to change it. Victor became an LP member in 1995 and a life member in 2000, and has occasionally been on the executive committee of the Alabama LP. Since 1998, he has traveled the country as a professional activist. Between that and his earlier travels in the import-export business as a teenager, he has been to 49 US states and about 20 countries, and lived in a number of them. As a life long entrepreneur, he has also started hundreds of businesses in a wide variety of fields. Victor recently worked on the Steve Kubby for President campaign, has been an active member of the Libertarian Party Radical Caucus, an advisory board member of Liberty Consulting, and hopes to start a new national College Libertarian Organizing Committee. He is an Anti-war, true leftist, anarchist, left libertarian, agorist, (r)evolutionary. Victor currently also blogs at Next Free Voice and occassionally at ideas from free minds.

  10. What is this nonsense you are spewing? Not one part of that is even remotely true. It’s not even good fiction.

  11. Who is worse between the usurper who is attempting to impersonate Jesus and the foul pagan who denies Him? It is hard to say.

  12. Those who mock the Lord will get their just reward they so diligently earned when all is said and done!!!

  13. Maxim, please. The only zzz you inspire here is the deep and restful sleep following the laughter at your fables which can only scare children and idiots! One day our people will be free, and on that day no Abrahamic faith with its origin among Jews will have their allegiance.

  14. The person posting as Knower of Things was born in 1955 in Pennsylvania, possibly Scranton, or at least grew up there. He currently lives in Jacksonville, Florida. He attended Temple University and may or may not have graduated. He has worked as an author, historian, and financial professional.

    He has run for various local, state, federal and internal political office as a Democrat and with various leftist and centrist parties. His actual views may be unknown, variable or something completely different from his campaign positions, which can range from revolutionary Marxism to middle of the road center left depending on the time and place.

    He is or recently was engaged in a long term relationship. This relationship may or may not have been monogamous. It is reported that his partner was in ill health and may have died.

    For unknown reasons, he likes to troll the internet under a variety of guises, and puts some actual effort into manipulating various social media, blogging and wiki type platforms, and any other resources that can be manipulated by user input content to create the impression that some of these characters are real people through a casual internet search. These characters often portray national socialists, alt right and/or Trump supporters, sometimes libertarians or traditional conservatives, and at times members of the LaRouche political cult, although it’s possible that the last one represents his actual views, since he has frequently made positive comments about them under his verified real name.

    He also often uses information about real people for these fake online identities. These people may be individuals he has perceived as having harmed him or others somehow, such as those he has wrangled with online, former sexual or business partners, others who spurned his advances, etc. Some may be current or former neighbors, or even family members.

    He also spends time helping the elderly, disabled, developmentally challenged and homeless people. However, we are hearing some anonymous rumors that some or all of these charitable activities are not entirely charitable in purpose. For example, he might use some of them to manipulate old and sick people financially, get other people’s prescription medications for personal use or resale, or even emotionally, physically or sexually abuse vulnerable individuals. Again, these are unconfirmed reports which should be treated with extreme skeptical caution.

  15. I am an aggressive top with a two centimeter micropenis. I will gladly top anyone or anything that that little guy can hurt, like little newborn babies or small rodents (domesticated or wild, either one is good). However, what I top most frequently is a mattress.

    I’ll even stick it into any orifice where it feels like a hot dog in a hallway, with or without consent. Sometimes they don’t even notice I did it. Actually, that happens a lot. If I’ve been around you I probably did it to #YouToo and you probably didn’t know until now. Sorry to break it to you this way.

    Whenever I’m unable to dominate or abuse anyone or anything sexually I like to do it verbally. I prefer to do so anonymously because otherwise there could be physical violence and I would not stand much of a chance there. I mostly just want revenge against everyone who bullied me as a child, which I never got over.

    I really love to impersonate people and cause confusion. I once tried to have a career of sorts by going to the shows of usually not very well known comedians who looked sort of a little bit like my general description, stealing their jokes, and booking myself shows pretending to be them. Unfortunately my delivery really sucks and that pretty much fizzled out after I got arrested a couple of times and sued a few other times. Let’s face it, I wasn’t going to make any money that way.

    I’ve pretended to be a lot of things such as a doctor, lawyer, veterinarian, auto mechanic, psychiatrist, police officer, IRS agent, you name it. I don’t stay any place or pull the same scam for very long so I pretty much never get caught. You would probably be surprised how easy it is to get away with how much crazy crap like that how much of the time. Many of you would be stunned and amazed if you only knew how easy it is.

    I am generally filled with envy and hate for anyone who gets the better of me in an argument, is smarter, richer, better looking, or more successful in any way than me, especially sexually. Which is pretty much everyone.

    I’ve been locked up a bunch of times, never for very long, mostly in mental health facilities. Those are pretty easy to get out of, so if they don’t release me voluntarily I pretty much always escape pretty easily. A lot of times they never get my real name to begin with, and I have tons of fake IDs. I find people’s personal information by stealing mail from mailboxes, phishing calls, putting together information from different public sources, dumpster diving, and other techniques. Most often, nuthouses let me out voluntarily just because I stop acting crazy, tell them I’m all better and ask them to let me out nicely. Again you might be amazed how easy this is and how rarely it doesn’t work.

    I am a huge fan of George Santos. The guy is like a hero to me. I’m thinking of following in his footsteps and running for Congress under one of my fake names. I kind of hate him though because he did it before me. I might run against him. I’m trying to decide whether I should do it in the GOP primary, as a Democrat, or maybe I will sign a petition with all my different fake names that are registered voters and run as an independent. We’ll just have to see, I have not decided yet.

    I am such a god, sometimes I feel like I am omnipotent and omniscient. That’s one reason I like to post as Jesus. Another is that I just really resent not being him just like I resent not being Donald Trump or, well, pretty much anyone who isn’t me. I get my revenge by pretending to be them.

    Actually I don’t even believe in Jesus. I don’t believe in anything. Not even atheism. I just honestly don’t care. I don’t think about what will happen when I die because it is not fun to think about that and I don’t like to think about stuff that makes me feel bad. I just push it out of my mind whenever I start to have those bad thoughts. It’s the same with whenever I hurt anyone or anything. I don’t let it make me feel bad, just move on to the next thing or person or whatever.

    As far as I am concerned nothing matters except me and my needs and wants in any given moment. I honestly really don’t like anyone or anything, including myself, but I don’t linger on the part where I don’t like myself and just move on to figuring out who or what I will hurt or move on to next.

    Thanks for reading, everyone. It’s nice to have fans and loyal supporters. You all have done way more for me than you will ever know. If you happen to find out how much you did for me you won’t be happy, but by then I’ll be long gone. Better luck next time, suckers. I might even come back and get you again, because you’ll be too stupid or forgetful to realize it’s me.

  16. Dude, totally. I can’t tell you how much I love/hate winners such as Donald Trump and Jesus Christ. Whether it’s being rich, famous, powerful, getting beautiful women, or being divine, I resent everyone who is exactly what I am not and having what I don’t have. I love to play the victim and climb up on a fake cross. Which is totally ok, because nobody except losers and criminals ever really got crucified, amirite? I really don’t care, do u?

    I fell in love with Melania Trump when I saw her wear that jacket. I thought she was hot before, don’t get me wrong, and lucky to be married to such a rich and famous dude who just happened to also be President. But now I really love/hate her.

    I am incredibly jealous of their marriage: she’s a lesbian fashion model who dated and married him for citizenship, money and fame, and they can both screw other women as much as they want.

    I’ve never even had a real relationship but I would want mine to be exactly like that if I did, with zero responsibility to be faithful or emotional commitment. Purely a financial arrangement. Except I don’t want to work for the money. I need to win the lottery or somehow inherit it or something.

    That’s why I so love/hate Donald Trump. He is and has or has had everything I want. Melania Trump of course. And lots of other beautiful women. Plenty of money. He’s been President of the United States and probably will be again. Fame. Who is more famous than Trump? Maybe Jesus? Or maybe Trump is even more famous than Jesus now.

    I think if I was Jesus I would want to be Trump. I mean I really want to be both of them. Wouldn’t it be wild if Trump actually is the second coming of Christ? This time Jesus Trump gets to come and come again, over and over, and on some really prime real estate at that. In the oval orifice and lots of other cool places.

    I love/hate Jesus. I want to be saved and go to heaven. But I don’t want to have to do anything to earn it. Not even believe in anything, because let’s face it, not losing your faith is too much work.

    I think only winners go to heaven. Not losers. That’s why I think Trump is Jesus. I love it how Trump always tells all the losers to go suck it, just like Jesus would. And he did tell us he is the king of the Jews. If you know your Bible you know what that means, don’t you? I mean Trump is the best at everything and everything he does is perfect. Who else can say that except Jesus?

    Trump won in 2020. Trump is a winner. Winners don’t lose. Losers suck it and go to hell. Winners rock and go to heaven, where Jesus Trump sits on a golden throne which flushes into hell where all the losers go.

    At least I think that’s how it goes. I really don’t care, do u? I mean it’s not like Jesus was a refugee or anything. Let’s face it, Palestine wasn’t exactly sending their best back then. They were sending murderers, rapists, and drug dealers, and some I believe were good people. On both sides. Very good people. I think. Maybe. Or maybe not.

    I really don’t care. And I really don’t care what u think. You’re probably a loser. In which case you can just suck it. And go to hell. Yeah, that’s it. That’s the ticket.

  17. Come on man, Trump is a loser. So is Jesus. They’re both has beens. You know who’s cool now? Joe Biden! It’s hip to be square.

    And Xi of the CCP. Now that dude is a huge winner. He’s basically absolute dictator for life of the largest and most powerful country in the world right now, and totally owns the next most powerful country economically (us). He shut everything down all over the world with his bioengineered virus, stole our election and appointed a puppet president, and now he’s totally dunking on us and teabagging us with his spy balloons. If that’s not winning, what is?

    Xi and Biden are totally blowing it out of the sky with this whole balloon thing, man. Trump was doing stuff we thought was crazy, like trying to keep our illegal aliens at the Mexican border and stuff. Well Biden says hold my beer. He’s letting the illegal aliens on the ground get in and looking at the bigger picture: space aliens! Now that’s really radical stuff, man!


    Look, if you can read that and tell me with a straight face we’re not living in the last days and time of Revelation, you gotta be kidding me. And who could possibly play a bigger role in world history than the Presidents of the two most powerful nations of the world? That’s Xi and Biden, man!

    If you think Trump or anyone is going to beat Biden in 2024, you got another thing coming. Xi got all the election computers hacked, cracked and tracked. Biden is his boy, so Biden will win again, man.

    So how about 2028? It’s plenty of time to get rid of that pesky amendment about two terms. Biden might be 86 by then, but that won’t mean we get to 86 him, man.

    Geritocracy works for China. It will work for us too, man. It’ll have to. It’s not like we’re going to have a real choice about it. Besides, all those illegals Biden is letting in will be voting by then. As many times as they need to.

    Let’s face it bro, Biden will be our President for life. He’s going to live forever and learn how to fly, too. They might even fix his dementia. But probably not. They like him the way he is.

    I don’t really know who “they” are either. Maybe the Chinese. Maybe space aliens. Maybe space aliens disguised as the Chinese. Whoa man that’s heavy stuff dude. I think maybe I just did too much cannabis. Or maybe not enough. What do you think, bro?

  18. Don’t be silly. Space aliens can’t disguise themselves as Chinamen. They can only pass off as Mexicans, Jews, Palestinians, and various other kinds of Hispanic and Middle East type people.

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