A Mystery Concerning the Forward Party

One of the co-founders of the Forward Party, along with Andrew Yang, is former Republican congressmember David Jolly of Florida. Yet the Forward Party still hasn’t qualified as a political party in Florida.

Florida lets any group become a qualified party if it submits a list of its officers and its bylaws. Florida has thirteen qualified parties, more than any other state. Here is the list. For some unknown reason, the Forward Party is not on the list.

A qualified party in Florida is entitled to its own primary, although no primary is actually held unless more than a single candidate files for any particular office.


A Mystery Concerning the Forward Party — 14 Comments

  1. Mabe they have just yet to get around to doing it and plan to do it later, or, maybe they are not a serious political party.

  2. Do not take the Lord’s name in vain, impersonator. Your just reward will be eternity in the flames of hell. He who laughs last laughs best, and the joke will be on you. Forever.

  3. You were a hashish head, effeminate Jew rabbi, a professor of surrender and submission to enemies, and a most likely virgin suicide by cop. Why did you take no wives and father no children? Why did you, if you were a god, allow yourself to be executed and nailed to a cross like a common thief? Why would you choose to have been born to Jews of all peoples, and having so chosen, why did you show by example to supplicate before enemies rather than defeat them in war for independence? Are you sorry that this wretched example has weakened the greatest race to ever walk the earth, the European race, to the point of demographically following you in suicide as we love our enemies to our own death and spread our borders and our cheeks wide open for them? How do you answer these charges, Jesus the Nazarene Jew?

  4. Both the usurper/impersonator and the foul pagan are destined to meet the real Jesus on judgement day, and to be rejected by Him much as they reject Him now unless they repent and seek Him out first.

  5. To hell with the devil and all who mock and reject our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!!

  6. Maxim, notably you have answered not one charge against your god. But how could he condemn those of us who are his enemies to hell if he were a real god? What kind of love is that to show your enemies?

  7. I think I may have stumbled on an answer so help me out here; he said love your enemies like you do yourself, and he showed how much he loved himself by allowing himself to be whipped through the streets and nailed to a cross. Doesn’t sound like he loved himself very much. So maybe if your god sends me to hell I will meet him there, along with the rest of the world’s suicides. What do you think, Max? Shall we meet Jesus Christ in hell? Yes?

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