Former Republican Congressmember Denver Riggleman May Run for Governor as an Independent

On February 8, former Congressmember Denver Riggleman said he might run for Governor of Virginia in 2025 as an independent.
See this story.

He was elected to Congress in 2018 as a Republican. But in 2020, he was defeated for re-nomination in a Republican convention, after he had officiated at the wedding of a same-sex couple.


Former Republican Congressmember Denver Riggleman May Run for Governor as an Independent — 12 Comments

  1. @frank have you ever been in Congress or got millions. Then maybe you would get press.

  2. The Libertarian Party isn’t ballot-qualified in Virginia, so running as a Libertarian would not give him any obvious advantage. The Virginia definition of a qualified party is 10% of the vote for a statewide office at either of the last two elections. No state has a higher vote test except Alabama, although New Jersey is tied, also at 10%.

  3. Riggleman isn’t going to run for governor of Virginia this year. Virginia’s next election for governor isn’t until 2025.

  4. Early start? Select would be officeholders for several years later? I guess that’s the next step once you get into the silly practice of picking would be officeholders when your party has not even won the election.

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