Ballotpedia Calculates 56 Minor Party and Independent Candidates Received More Votes than Margin Between Major Parties in 2022

At the November 2022 election, there were 56 minor party and independent candidates for federal or state office who received more votes than the margin of victory, according to Ballotpedia. Most of the candidates were running for state legislature. See here. Thanks to Thomas Jones for this news.


Ballotpedia Calculates 56 Minor Party and Independent Candidates Received More Votes than Margin Between Major Parties in 2022 — 2 Comments

  1. which gang hurt most by minor party Balopow folks ??? –

    commie donkeys or fascist elephants ???

    BOP has daily news update of election stuff – via email.

  2. It appears that the independent candidate in Nevada cost the Republicans in the Senate more than anyone else.

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