Alaska Trial Court Determines Representative David Eastman Should Not be Disqualified for Insurrection

On December 23, 2022, an Alaska state trial court issued in opinion in Kowalke v Eastman, 3AN-22-07404. It says that Representative David Eastman is not disqualified from serving in the legislature, even though he attended the January 6, 2021 event at the national capitol and even though he is a member of Oath Keepers. The ruling says Eastman did not have the intent to overthrow the government.

The lawsuit had been based on Alaska Constitution Article 12, section 4. Here is the opinion.

That part of the Alaska Constitution says “No person who advocates, or who aids or belongs to any party or organization or association which advocates, the overthrow by force or violence of the government of the United States or of the State shall be qualified to hold any public office of trust or profit under this constitution.”


Alaska Trial Court Determines Representative David Eastman Should Not be Disqualified for Insurrection — 10 Comments

  1. But if it were a socialist facing that same charge, I bet the book would have been thrown at them because the folks running this country hate socialists far more than they hate fascists (some of our misrepresentatives actually are fascists!), as the recent anti-socialism resolution that both ruling parties voted for in the House proved.

  2. No. Joshua H has made some okay comments. Everything Stock says is idiotic and wrong.

  3. AS USUAL-






  4. Socialism and fascism are basically the same thing, like Pepsi and Coke. As for your powers that be hating any of it, you wish. You are well on your way to a socialist-fascist state.

  5. Why are your laws, and in fairness even ours too, so complicated? Why isn’t law a simple thing that can fit on one printed out page, with expectation that everyone should commit it to memory, and practical application adjudicated by elite responding officers-judges-juries-executioners out in the field?

    For example: simple law, murder is unjustified killing, and the penalty for murder is death. Case: killing occurs, investigated by officers to determine if it was justified. An initial responding officer is the judge. He calls for backup (the jury). They make an on the spot determination that the killing was murder. They execute the murderer right then and there, and the waste management company that serves this area carts off the murderer’s corpse and disposes of it by burial or burning with all the other garbage.

    Granted, some people think this is barbaric and cruel. But why? How much more cruel is it to victim families to have this process dragged out, with many murderers released due to technicalities or passage of time, or allowed to die of natural causes in a prison that resembles kindergarten for adults more than it does a medieval torture dungeon? How much more cruel is it to show so little consequences – especially sure and immediate – to would be murderers, thus making murder less risky and thus more prevalent, and as a direct result therefore the places where they live feel increasingly unsafe to everyone else?

    Who benefits from the different kind of cruel the currently more fashionable and thus “less barbaric” is, versus the other kind? Lawyers, court reporters, prison staff, prison contractors and suppliers, various medical professionals, criminals and criminal organizations which use murder as a part of their business model, private security professionals, security equipment manufacturers and dealers, dog breeders, fake news media thanks to more murders to cover…and probably a few other kinds of people I have not considered. Society as a whole? My guess is no, by a long shot. The overall rate of cruelty, unnecessarily accelerated death, widespread fear, and economic inefficiency and waste are far higher under the supposedly “less barbaric and cruel” system .

    I traveled the world and the seven seas. Who has in mind to disagree???

  6. The Oath Keepers and Proud Boys are so heavily infiltrated by the FBI — especially at the leadership level — that they may as well be front groups.

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