Virginia Bill to Replace “Disobedient” Presidential Electors is Defeated

On February 1, the Virginia House Privileges & Elections Committee defeated HB 1862. It would have provided that if a presidential elector votes for someone in the electoral college who is not the party nominee, he would deem to have resigned, and would be replaced by the others.


Virginia Bill to Replace “Disobedient” Presidential Electors is Defeated — 4 Comments

  1. Glad to hear that the authority of Presidential Electors has not been diminished in Virginia.

  2. States should not restrict the ability of Presidential electors to vote any way they want.

    However, parties have the right to request written pledges from elector candidates to vote for their nominees, and determine the punishment for failure to fulfill their pledges. This could take the form are having them each post a performance bond.

  3. Replacing disobedient electors is nothing. In Islam, we replace disobedient wives!

  4. A lordly husband just says I divorce you three times and it is done! A slave wife has no right to divorce, only the husband does! A terrible fate awaits the cast out woman, as her former owner (father) does not want her back, no other man will take her since she is not a virgin, and she is not allowed to work, own property, drive, be seen in public given that she has no man to chaperone her, have sex, masturbate (which she probably won’t want to do anyway after her cliterectomy), etc. She is just about ready to crawl into a garbage pile and starve to death then, and it serves her right for not pleasing her lord husband!!!

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