Arkansas Bill to Improve Minor Party Ballot Access Passes Committee

On March 16, the Arkansas Senate State Agencies & Governmental Affairs Committee passed SB 277, the bill to lower the number of signatures for a newly-qualifying party from 3% of the last gubernatorial vote (about 27,000 signatures) to exactly 10,000 signatures. The bill had failed in that committee in February, but was brought back.


Arkansas Bill to Improve Minor Party Ballot Access Passes Committee — 2 Comments

  1. Any idea how long it will take to come to a vote?

    What provision does this new bill have for a vote test for ballot retention?

    What provision does this new bill have for how long the petition can circulate?

  2. It gets a vote in the Senate on March 27. The bill does not improve the retention requirement, but it allows the greater part of a year to collect the signatures.

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