Minnesota Post Carries Article on Bills to Make Minnesota Ballot Access More Difficult

The MinnPost, a free alternative weekly in Minneapolis, has a lengthy story about the bills to change the definition of a ballot-qualified party from a group that got 5% for a statewide race at either of the last two elections, to 10%.


Minnesota Post Carries Article on Bills to Make Minnesota Ballot Access More Difficult — 4 Comments

  1. I was glad to read that Richard Winger testified in opposition to the proposed bills. Kudos to him for his knowledge and activity.

  2. Ballot access censorship laws are voter suppression laws. The intent is to force a vote for D or R or stay home. All ballot access laws should be abolished; and, voters should have freedom choice with an all write-in ballot with an encrypted receipt to enable the voter to verify their ballot has not been tampered with – the Chaum Secret Ballot Receipt.

  3. There’s no ballot censorship or ballot tampering if there’s no ballot. Voters should literally stand up and be counted. Those who can’t physically stand up won’t even come close to passing the physical aptitude tests which should be among the many different barriers to voting. Voting should only be for very elite White men.

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