
My Essay on Sore Loser Laws as Applied to Presidential Candidates Posted at Smerconish.Com — 24 Comments

  1. Kari Lake is an ugly, swarthy lesbian. Yes, the election was stolen from her. But she’s not hot and I’m not going to pretend she is. She is a loudmouth with an average level IQ. She was a Never Trumper in 2016. No. She should not be Trump’s running mate in 2024.

  2. That really needs to change, if the disembodied spirit of Ashley Babbitt can’t be summoned and mustered to pass constitutional review.

  3. Tulsi’s economic policy sucks. It’s very communist like. Has she changed and if so is it for real?
    MTG is the best choice. Lake could be in charge of election integrity.

  4. Tulsi’s a loyal soldier and she’ll do the right thing. Plus, the vice president doesn’t have its own economic policies.

    MTG is good but she’s too much of a hillbilly to attract voters.

  5. Excellent article! How is it that states have been getting away with keeping presidential candidates off the ballot for this when it clearly should not apply to presidential candidates since the true candidates are the presidential electors? Gary Johson was kept off the ballot in Michigan in 2012 and Roque “Rocky” de la Fuente was kept off the ballot in a bunch of states in 2016 because of Sore Loser laws being misapplied to presidential candidates.

  6. Not misapplied. They were following the laws in their states. Don’t like it, lobby your representatives.

  7. I would say that they were misapplying the law, because the real candidates in presidential elections are the presidential electors, and the presidential electors did not appear on a primary ballot.

  8. We need a strong ideologically sound VP in case the loony left does something horrible to Trump. MTG is that person.

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