On March 30, the North Dakota legislature passed HB 1273. It bans approval voting and ranked choice voting. Fargo, the largest city in North Dakota, has been using Approval Voting for its own city elections for some time, but the bill will force the city to stop using it. See this story. It is possible the city will sue the state.
Does North Dakota’s constitution have home rule provisions?
Is this a purge list?
I prefer Ranked Choice Voting over approval voting, but this is still a bad thing.
Ranked Choice helps commies. Look at Alaska. Andy Gonzalez is a moron for supporting this.
Walter, I can tell you from Tex-ass that home rule often means diddly squat.
The garbage comment on March 31, 2023 at 6:18 pm is from Robert K Stock.
Stock needs to just go away. He contributes even less than AZ.
Better than either of these would be balanced approval voting. Check it out at OpEdNews.
The truth, how do you know that this was Robert K. Stock?
The truth is self evidence.